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Yield Analysis - Design Parameters

Post Processing: Results Yield Analysis...Design Parameters

In this property page the parameters can be selected for the yield analysis.

Parameter list

Check box: Within the parameter list you can select the parameters varied during the yield analysis.

Parameter: Shows the name of the parameters (read only).

Statistical Distribution: Currently one can choose between Gaussian and Uniform probablity distributions.

Mean: This is the nominal value from the sensitivity analysis (read only).

Standard Deviation: Averaged distance of its possible values from the mean value (expected value).


Press the calculate button to start the yield analysis. The Yield Analysis - Yield  tab is activated automatically.

The dialog box remains open after a yield analysis calculation.


Close the yield analysis dialog box. If the initial parameter settings differ from the current parameter settings the modeled structure is updated with the initial parameter settings.


Stores the current settings. The dialog box remains open.


Shows this help text.

See also

Yield Analysis, Yield Analysis Overview

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