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Sensitivity Analysis Parameter

To be able to calculate the sensitivity of network parameters with respect to design parameters, these design parameters have to fullfil some limitations.

Only the following operations are parametrizable by sensitivity parameters:

  • Defining normal materials with variable Epsilon, Mue, Electric Conductivity or Magnetic Conductivity.

  • Defining lossy metal material (only supported by the Frequency Domain Solver).

  • Defining Face Constraints (variable radius or distances to points or principal planes).

In addition, you have to make sure that the parameter

  • is not used inside any expression.

  • is not used in any operations not listed above.

If all requirements are met, the parameter will be selectable for sensitivity analysis in the solver dialog (See Solver dialog: Sensitivity analysis).

If you expect a parameter to appear in that list which does not, it may help to check the variable dependencies in the parameter list.


See also

Frequency Domain Solver Parameters, Transient Solver Parameters,Eigenmode Solver Parameters,
Sensitivity Analysis Overview
, Sensitivity Analysis, Yield Analysis Overview, Face Constraints

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