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Bioheat Equation

Special thermal properties of human biological material can be taken into account by introducing additional heating / cooling mechanisms:

  • Blood perfusion coefficient [W / K / m鲁]. This takes the heat exange mechanism due to blood perfusion, proportional to the difference between blood and tissue temperature into account.

  • Basal metabolic heat rate [W / m鲁]. This is an additional heating source which takes the basal metabolic heat of biological tissue into account.

  • Voxel convection transfer coefficient  [W / K / m虏]. This is a convection coefficient, which can be assigned to human models by defining the value inside the thermal material property page.

Note: The reference temperature for the blood perfusion mechanism can be defined in the Special Thermal Solver Settings dialog box.


These material properties are predefined in the material lists of the HUGO model. The blood perfusion and the basal metabolic rate can be used by activating the Consider Bioheat Equation checkbox in the Special Thermal Solver Settings dialog box - the voxel convection coefficient is not affected by this checkbox.


See also

HUGO model, Special Thermal Solver Settings, Thermal Material Parameters


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