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Import GERBER File

Modeling: ExchangeImport/ExportImport2D/EDA FilesGERBERGERBER (Single Layer)

This dialog box offers GERBER file import.

With this feature you can import data from any PCB CAD system providing the GERBER file format (RS-274D, RS-274X). The standard GERBER format (RS-274D) needs an aperture file for the import.

The GERBER data is imported relative to the current coordinate system and extruded with a profile height to a 3D solid. Use this option to import printed circuits or complex microstrip lines.

Note: You need the appropriate license to use this feature.


Leads to the Open GERBER Aperture File dialog in case of a RS-274D file. Select the appropriate GERBER aperture file here. After pressing OK it starts the GERBER import. Just starts the import if it is a RS-274X file.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.

Copy file to project

Use this option to copy the import file to the project folder. If you save your project to another destination the imported file is copied automatically.


RS-274D Gerber: Standard GERBER format. Needs an extra aperture file.

RS-274X Extended Gerber: Extended GERBER format. The aperture data is included in the Gerber file.

Import options

Add all shapes on layer: Use this option to create one single shape for each layer.

Import as curves only: Use this option to import only the outline of the model as curves.


Shows this help text.

See also

Importing and Exporting Models,Export Gerber


HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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