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Biological Data


CST Voxel Family



Visible Human

SAM Head Model


SAM Head Phantom

Hand Model


CTIA Hand Models



CST Voxel Family

The CST Voxel Family is a group of seven human model voxel data sets created from seven persons of different gender, age and stature. They are included in the CST STUDIO SUITE鈩?installation and can be imported using the Voxel Data Import, but need to be licensed additionally. The following table gives an overview of the seven models.






Resolution / mm


8-week female



0.85 脳 0.85 脳 4.0


7y female



1.54 脳 1.54 脳 8.0


40y female



1.875 脳 1.875 脳 10


26y female



0.98 脳 0.98 脳 10


38y male



2.08 脳 2.08 脳 8.0


43y female



1.875 脳 1.875 脳 5.0


43y pregnant, 24w



1.775 脳 1.775 脳 4.84


Tissue Properties

During the voxel import only certain frequencies can be choosen. To easily choose your required frequency complete the voxel import using any of the selectable frequencies and then use the Human Material Properties VBA Macro.

For material properties without using the macro or for other voxel models refer to the Voxel Material Description File, i.e. located in the "Library/Bio Models" folder in your CST STUDIO SUITE鈩?installation directory.

The tissue properties can also be individually changed for the active project in the navigation tree under materials like any other material.




Visible Human Model Dataset

The CST HUMAN MODEL DATASET, commercially distributed by Medical VR Studio, is based on the work of the National Library of Maryland’s research laboratory, who dissected, then photographed, a frozen male corpse in several thousand layers. It needs to be licensed and installed separately from the CST STUDIO SUITE鈩?and can then be imported using the Voxel Data Import.





SAM Head Phantom

The Specific Anthropomorphic Mannequin (SAM) consists of a plastic shell filled with a tissue simulating liquid. It has been defined for standardized certification purposes based on the 90th percentile of male population head size.

The model can be copied from the example

SAR Head & Hand - Mobile Phone Calculation

and in a facetted form from

SAM Phantom with Helix Antenna

SAM Head Model



CTIA Hand Models

The standard hand models from CTIA - The Wireless Association (R) have been generated to hold different types of phones for certification purposes.


Static hand model (fold)

Hand Model


Posable hand model (Left PDA)

Static hand models

These four models - monoblock, PDA, fold and narrowdata - can be imported as subprojects into an existing opened CST project. Material properties will be automatically set to the standard values. The contained spacers for helping with the alignment are set to vacuum material properties. The models can be downloaded under Static Hand Models.

Posable hand models

For easy fitting of the fingers to your phone model, VBA macros have been created for two of the above static models, PDA and monoblock, each for left and right hand. Copy the macros and the model files to your installation directory i.e. under "Library\Macros\Construct\Posable Hands". Executing the macro creates parameters to define the position angle of each finger, positive angles open the hand. The macros and the models can be downloaded under Posable Hand Models.



See also

Human Material Properties Macro, Voxel Data Properties, Voxel Data Info File, Voxel Material Description File, Import Voxel Data


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