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Model Intersection Check

Simulation: CheckIntersection Check

This dialog box allows you to check the complete model for overlapping regions. Before the check is started, one can specify which material properties should be incorporated into the process. If an intersection is detected, the Shape Intersection dialog box will open up in order to define which boolean operation should be applied to resolve the intersection.


Problem types to check


Activate one or more of the following problem types for the intersection check.



Activate this problem-type for any electromagnetic solver. This mode allows intersections with PEC solids, if no conflict appears from other problem-types (e.g. Thermal, Mechanics).



This problem type checks if solids with thermal material properties are overlapping.  This mode allows intersections with PTC solids, if no conflict appears from other problem-types (e.g. Electromagnetic, Mechanics).



This problem type checks if solids with mechanics material properties are overlapping. This mode allows intersections with materials of type "Unused", if no conflict appears from other problem-types (e.g. Electromagnetic, Thermal).


Press this button to apply the intersection check.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Shape Intersection Dialog, Shape Intersection Settings

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