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Make Tangent Curve

Modeling: ToolsShape ToolsHealing ToolsModel HealingAdd Tangent Curve

In this dialog box you may create a Tangent Curve. A Curve is an edge which need not belong to any face.

You have to select a shape, two edges and two points belonging to each edge first. The created curve will be stored within the selected shape and is visible in the navigation tree.

The Curves can be used to create new faces by covering (Modeling: ToolsShape ToolsHealing ToolsModel HealingCover Edges), skinning (Modeling: ToolsShape ToolsHealing ToolsModel HealingSkin Edges) or lofting (Modeling: ToolsShape ToolsHealing ToolsModel HealingLoft Edges).

Covering fits a surface over a closed loop of curves or edges. Skinning fits a surface through a series of curves or edges.

Start Point/End Point

No constraint: Creates a connecting Curve without any restriction.

Tangent to edge: Creates a Curve which is tangential to the selected edge.

Normal to face: Creates a Curve which is normal to the face belonging to the selected edge.

Normal to edge/face: Creates a Curve normal to the selected edge and parallel to the face which belongs to the selected edge.

Invert: Creates a Curve in the opposite direction.

Note: The face is only non-ambiguous in case of a dangling edge (an edge belonging to only one face).


Press this button to finally create the Curve.


Press this button to create a preview image of the Curve. This option is very useful to the check the settings before you actually create the Curve.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Loft Edges

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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