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Faceted Representation of Shape

Modeling: ToolsShape ToolsHealing ToolsModel HealingFaceted Representation of Shape

This dialog converts a shape in a faceted representation of this shape. This feature is especially useful if an imported CAD shape can not be healed but faceted.

Facet options frame

Surface tolerance: Maximum absolute tolerance of the normal of the facet and the face normal of the original shape.

Normal tolerance: Maximum absolute tolerance of the facet and the face of the original shape.

Max. edge length: Maximum absolute length of the facet’s edges.

Min. point distance: Minimum absolute distance between two facet vertices.

Shape information frame

Shape diagonal: The longest diagonal length of the original shape.

Number of facets: The number of created facets.

Facet ratio: The ratio of the edges of the facets. The larger the facet ratio the more acute-angled are the facets.


Press this button to create the faceted shape.


Press this button to create a preview image of the faceted shape. This option is very useful to check the settings before you actually create the shape.


Resets all facet options to the default values.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Repair CAD Models, Manual Shape Healing

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