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Wizard / Compare multiple runs

Home: MacrosMacrosWizardCompare multiple runs

This wizard enables you to compare all kinds of 1D Result data from different simulations with little user interaction.

The user is mainly involved in three tasks:

1) Selection of projects for comparison

2) Selection of result types for comparison

3) Comparison of the selected results


If you have stored data in the result cache, this macro is a very comfortable way to compare all the data (Result Data Cache Overview).

1) Selection of projects for comparison

To select the projects to be compared the user has to

1a) define a root directory in your windows system 鈥?if it exists, the result cache directory would be the default 鈥?and

1b) define an additional file template (e.g.  coaxial*.mod) and

1c) specify an empty folder for the result documents of the comparison 鈥?the comparison folder 鈥?and

1d) in case not all or too many projects are selected for the comparison, edit the project list manually.

Please note: All project names are addressed relative to the root directory.

2) Selection of result types for comparison

A large part of the 1D result data is compared automatically. This includes

鈥?all S-parameters (linear, dB, phase and polar),

鈥?all existing AR-filter results,

鈥?all time signals (both incoming and outgoing),

鈥?all balance and energy curves,

鈥?all probes and voltages (as time signals as well as frequency information) and

鈥?all 1D- and 0D-Results, defined via the Postprocessing templates (for detailed information read chapter 7)

鈥?all impedances, currents and voltages (for lumped elements and discrete ports).

In most cases, this default comparison is probably sufficient to extract the desired information.

However, within an extra dialog you may select additional data that is used for the comparison. This data can be either a single real scalar value per simulation or a sequence of scalar values (1D curve, e.g. VSWR) per simulation.


Once you have finished selecting the result types for the comparison by confirming with Ok, CST MWS will automatically collect all the results from the different projects and store them in a central document, located in the comparison folder. Depending on the number of projects and on the file sizes of the respective results, the collection can take a few minutes.

3) Comparison of the selected results

Finally, you obtain two different documents, containing the selected data:

3a) An Excel sheet, showing the run IDs, the corresponding parameter values and original project file name.

3b) A new project file containing all the result data but not containing any geometry.


Whereas the Excel sheet serves as a reference to connect parameter values to run-ID numbers, all comparison plots are performed within the newly generated MWS project:



Implementing your own Result routines

As you have seen in the previous example, a number of examples for additional userdefined postprocessing already exists. All these files are located in a central directory within your installation (GLOBAL_Library_PATH \ Macros \ MWS \ VBA_userdefined), so that you can also access them manually or add your own examples.

In case you wish to add your own examples, please keep in mind the following guidelines:

1. Single real scalar values

鈥?The filename has to have the pattern 鈥?D-Result_*.BAS鈥?/p>

鈥?The internal variable sMacrobase has to be set to that filename.

鈥?The single scalar value should be assigned to the variable cst_value.

2. 1D-Results

鈥?The filename has to have the pattern 鈥?D-Result_*.BAS鈥?/p>

鈥?The 1D result curve(s) should be stored in a two column ASCII file(s), named GetProjectBaseName+"^*.sig", so that they are automatically compared.

鈥?Please do not change the header, nor the end of the macro which controls the error handling.

You can manually access such a bas-file by loading it into the VBA-editor ( in IDE) and executing it ( )

If you wish to automate the access to one of those single scalar value or 1D curve results, you can use the following syntax:


'#include "mws_evaluate-results.lib"

Sub Main

鈥檙; example 0D-Result

Dim q1 As Double


MsgBox CStr(q1)

鈥檙; example 1D-Result


End Sub


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Preloaded Macros Overview, Result Data Cache Overview


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