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Template Based Post Processing

Post Processing: Results Templates Template Based Post Processing

This dialog provides a convenient way to configure additional postprocessing steps. All postprocessing steps defined within this dialog are automatically evaluated after every solver run.


An overview of the available preloaded Result templates can be found here: Preloaded Result Templates.

To learn more about using template based processing please refer to the template based postprocessing overview.


Select template group

Selects the template group of which new templates can be added.

Add new postprocessing step

Adds a new post processing step at the end of the list. For a detailed description of preloaded templates please refer to Preloaded Result Templates. To create your own templates please refer to Post Processing Template Layout.

Result name

This is a unique name assigned to the template step. This name can be used to reference the result  for a further evaluation in the following steps.

Template name

The name of the template used.


The type of data that will be created by the result template. Please refer to the template based postprocessing overview for details.


The evaluated result of a 0D result template.


Use the up or down arrow  button to change the evaluation order of the template steps.


Opens the parameter dialog of the selected template step.


Delete the selected template in the list.


Duplicate the selected template step. This option is useful, if you would like to create many similar templates with many settings identical.


Evaluates the selected template. The same evaluation is performed after each solver run. In case of 0D result templates the value field is updated, while for the 1D result the data results in the main tree are renewed.

Delete All

Clears the template list.

Evaluate All

Evaluates the whole template list.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Template Based Postprocessing Overview, List of Preloaded Result Templates, Post Processing Template Layout

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