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Imprint Mode

Modeling: ToolsBooleanImprint

In this mode, one or more shapes will be imprinted into another shape. Both shapes will be kept and only one of them will be changed. The faces of the first shape (Shape A) will be split at the intersection curves with the second shape (Shape B). Subsequent face-pick operations may now independently select each part of the split faces. To imprint more than one shape into Shape A, hold the CTRL key during the selection of the B shapes.


  • Select the first shape (Shape A) by double-clicking it or by selecting its entry in the navigation tree.

  • Click on the Modeling: ToolsBooleanImprint button.

  • Select the second shape (shape B) by double-clicking it or by selecting its entry in the navigation tree. This shape will be imprinted into the first one.

  • Press RETURN.


To imprint more than one shape onto the first shape, hold the CTRL key during the selection of the other shapes. To select all navigation tree entries from one position to an other, push the SHIFT key during selection.

After an imprint, any intersection volume between the two shapes will remain. Therefore, it might be necessary to perform another Boolean operation to obtain a proper material distribution within your model.

The imprint operation only treats shapes that touch each other at their surfaces as normal intersections.


You may cancel this mode at any step using ESC.


Original structure:

A brick intersects with a sphere.

After the sphere is imprinted into the brick: The bodies remain in their original shape, only the faces of the brick are split at the intersecting edges.




As a result of the imprint operation the split faces (as well as the additional edges and vertices) may be picked.

See also

Boolean Operations, Intersect Mode, Add Mode, Subtract Mode, Insert Mode, Auto Intersect

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