Create New Simulation Project - Field Sources

Home: Simulation Simulation project Create Simulation Project (Field Sources tab)

This dialog box tab becomes visible whenever a project type is selected which is able to create or to use field sources.


Please note that not all of the entry fields are active when displaying the properties of an existing simulation project.

Use Field Source(s) from Simulation Project

This list shows all other currently available simulations projects which may contain field sources. By selecting one or more items from the list, all of the corresponding field sources will be automatically imported and properly positioned into the newly created simulation project.

Create field source

This check box specifies whether a field source will be derived from the newly created simulation project. If this option is set, another dialog box will appear during the creation of the simulation project requesting for further information concerning the definition of the field source.


Accepts the current settings and closes the dialog box. In simulation project creation mode, the new project will then be created.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Select Reference Settings, Simulation Project Creation Mode, Simulation Task Overview, Create New Simulation Project - General, Create New Simulation Project - Field Source Definition