Layout Properties

Some blocks, for example microstrip and stripline blocks, have a geometrical representation in the layout view. Each time the layout view is updated an automatic alignment algorithm aligns these blocks to each other and produces the layout of the whole circuit. The automatic algorithm handles groups of connected blocks where each block has a layout representation. If the schematic contains ideal circuit elements (e. g. a DC voltage source), the alignment algorithm will create more than one group. One block of each group will use a fixed position, and all other blocks are aligned to that block. The relative position of two groups to each other can be adjusted manually.


The position and orientation of a block in the global layout is characterized by the properties listed below. To modify the values use the Block Properties – Parameters dialog box.


Layout Fixed

A block will never be moved by the automatic alignment algorithm if this property is set. If it is not set the properties Layout Angle, Layout X Position and Layout Y Position will be determined automatically each time the layout is updated, and the property Layout Flip will be toggled each time a vertical or horizontal flip is performed in the schematic. Blocks with fixed layout position are marked with a small anchor symbol in the upper right corner.

Layout Flip

A block will be flipped horizontally if this property is set.

Layout Angle

The rotation angle (in degrees) around the z axis (counter clockwise order).

Layout X Position

The x coordinate of the block in the layout.

Layout Y Position

The y coordinate of the block in the layout.


The layout of each block is defined using a local coordinate system. The origin of this system is usually located at the center of a port. The transformation of the local block coordinates to the global coordinates of the whole layout is calculated as follows:

  1. If the Layout Flip property is set the layout is flipped horizontally.

  2. The layout is rotated in counter clockwise order around the z axis by the angle given in Layout Angle.

  3. The layout is shifted in x and y direction by the displacements given in Layout X Position and Layout Y Position.


See also

Block Overview, Layout View