Block Connections

Home: ComponentsConnectorBlock Connections

This dialog box displays the connections of a particular block to other blocks on the schematic. The connections can be modified by simply editing a connection list which allows for an efficient handling of multiple block connections. Managing block connections this way is an alternative approach to drawing and removing connection lines on the schematic.

Connections for block

Select the block for which the pins and connections will be displayed in the lists below. The corresponding block will then be highlighted on the schematic.

Block pins

The list displays all pins of the currently selected block in the Connections for block field. The entry field below the list allows specifying a filter which will be applied to the list contents. The filter expressions support standard regular expressions. A filter setting of e.g. "1*" will display all pin names starting with "1".

Other blocks

The list shows the names and pins of all blocks other than the currently selected block. The two entry fields below the Block and Pin columns allow specifying filter settings for the respective column. The left filter field also contains a drop down list which allows the selection of any of the currently existing block names. Please refer to the description of the Block pins field for more information concerning the filter settings.


The list shows all connections of the currently selected block where each row represents a single block connection. Each connection starts at the currently selected block's From Pin and ends at a To Block's Pin.


This button allows to add a new block connection to the connection list. Therefore, you need to select a Block pin where the connection starts as well as a Block and Pin pair in the Other blocks list to specify where the connection ends. By pressing the > button, the connection will be added to the Connections list if it is not already present there.

All lists support multiple selection of entries (Ctrl+A selects all entries). In addition the list headers show an arrow indicating the sorting criterion. The sorting order can be toggled by clicking on the corresponding header.

In addition to adding the connections one by one, it is also possible to add multiple connections at once. Therefore, you can select multiple Block pins together with the same number of Other blocks Block and Pin pairs. When pressing the > button, the connections will be added such that the topmost selected Block pin will be connected to the topmost selected Other blocks Block / Pin pair. The next Block pin will then be connected to the next Other blocks Block / Pin pair and so on.

Please note that the actual block connections on the schematic will be updated only after pressing either the Apply or the OK button.


This button allows removing particular connections from the Connections list. Therefore, you need to select one or more block connections from the Connections list and press the < button afterward. The previously selected connections will then be removed from the list.

Please note that the actual block connections on the schematic will be updated only after pressing either the Apply or the OK button.


Applies your changes to the block's connections and leaves the dialog box.


Applies your changes to the block's connections without leaving the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.


See also
