Set Relative Paths

Home:  EditProject Dependencies Set Relative Path


Simulated or measured blocks are always associated with a file. The paths of these files can be given either relative to the project file or by an absolute path. Before copying the project from one location to another, you must decide how to deal with the block files. Within this dialog box, you can quickly change from relative paths to absolute paths and vice versa. To do so, simply check blocks to consider relative paths for them or remove the check mark to consider absolute paths.

For instance, if you send the project by e-mail to someone who cannot access your local network, it is useful to have relative paths. Then, the recipient will be able to use it without browsing for the files. On the other hand, if the files are stored somewhere on your local network and you give the project to someone who can access it, it is more useful to have absolute paths. In this case, you only have to send the project file.

File list

Displays a list of all simulated or measured blocks and the files that they are associated with. A check box attached to each list item indicates whether or not the relative path is considered for the block.


Selects all items of the file list.


Deselects all items of the file list.


Leaves the dialog box and accepts the settings.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.