Within this dialog box you can modify the settings for a parameter sweep, including the parameters to vary and the results to be recorded during the sweep.
Sequences frame
Sequences tree: Displays the sequences, which are collections for parameter variations, and their associated parameter variations. During the sweep, the sequences are processed independently and one by one.
New seq: Adds a new sequence to the sweep.
New par...: Opens the Parameter Sweep Parameter dialog box where you may specify a new parameter variation for the selected sequence.
Edit...: Allows you to edit the selected item. If a sequence is selected, you may edit its name; otherwise, if a parameter variation is selected, the Parameter Sweep Parameter dialog box is opened, where you can change the settings for this parameter variation.
Delete: Deletes the selected sequence or parameter variation.
Performs a sequential update of all data bases without updating the results. If an invalid value is assigned to a property, the check is stopped and a message is displayed.
Starts the parameter sweep. If you are not sure whether all parameter combinations for that a simulation will be performed are valid, you should better click on the Check button at first.
Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.
Shows this help text.
How to start a parameter sweep
A parameter sweep can be defined in two ways:
As standalone parameter sweep which operates
on all defined simulation
tasks of your model. You can launch the parameter sweep dialog box
of the standalone parameter sweep by choosing Home:
As a parameter sweep task which operates on all sub-tasks of itself. You can launch the parameter sweep dialog box of an parameter sweep task by double clicking on the task tree item, or by choosing Properties&ldots; of the task tree item context menu.
The parameter sweep task is more flexible than the standalone version: By defining a sequence or even a hierarchy of tasks you can realize specialized workflows, such as an optimization nested in a parameter sweep. This could be used to sweep one geometrical parameter of an antenna in the outer parameter sweep task, while optimizing another geometrical parameter or a matching circuit in the inner optimization task.
The standalone parameter sweep is better suited if you quickly want to set up a parameter sweep for an existing task, since you do not need to move or copy the task.
See also