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S-Parameter and farfield calcualtion of a spiral antenna

Integral Equation Solver Examples




General Description


In this example the calculation of the S-Parameter and the farfield of a spiral antenna are presented. The antenna is placed above an infinite ground plane.


Structure Generation


The structure is constructed by using the predefined macro Home: Macros Construct Coils Planar Circular Spiral - rectangular cross section and some additional construction steps to construct an infinitely thin PEC sheet antenna.


Solver Setup


As excitation a discrete face port is defined as well as a farfield monitor at 5.87 GHz. In the special solver parameters the option Treat electric boundary condition as infinite ground plane (ZMin) is enabled. For a fast broadband S-Parameter calculation the option "Use broadband frequency sweep" is enabled.


Post Processing


The farfield information is stored in the folder Farfield in the navigation tree. The calculated S-Parameter can be found in the1D Results folder.



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