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MWEE Coupler

Transient Analysis Examples - S-Parameter Calculations: Waveguide Devices





General Description


In this example the S-parameter calculation of an energy division coupler is shown. It is represented by a waveguide structure, containing four ports with the same expansion in z-direction and thus all holding the same cut-off frequency. The energy excited at port No.1 is coupled almost in equal shares to the three remaining ports. The simulation is performed using adaptive mesh refinement.


Structure Generation


Several bricks are defined to construct the inner air filling of the waveguide structure. Some edges are modified with the help of the blend and chamfer facility. The surrounding is given as PEC material by the settings of the background properties. Using the local coordinate system offers the possibility to create the shapes relative to each other. In order to take advantage of the given symmetry of the model a corresponding symmetry plane is defined in z-direction.


Solver Setup


Four waveguide ports are defined at the ends of the waveguide coupler to perform the S-parameter calculation. The excitation signal is a Gaussian shaped pulse referring to the frequency range from 12 to 20 GHz. The adaptive mesh refinement is activated to improve the grid structure.

In order to get a visualization of the wave propagation an electric 3D field monitor is defined at a specific frequency.


Post Processing


During the passes of the adaptive mesh refinement the current results are available in the folder 1D Results in the navigation tree. In addition some information concerning the calculation time and the required mesh nodes are compared. It can be seen that here only two passes are necessary to obtain a good result. Regarding the absolute value of the S-parameters the energy distribution of the model is visible.

The monitored 3D fields as well as the calculated port modes of the given waveguide ports can be found in the folder 2D/3D Results.

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