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Monostatic RCS Study of an Aerial Glider

Integral Equation Solver Examples



General Description


In this example the mono-static RCS study of an aerial glider is shown using the automatic fast RCS sweep. A 180掳 RCS calculation is performed using a horizontal plane wave excitation. The glider is about 14m long and the wingspan is approximately 13.7m. The mono-static RCS is of interest at 0.5 GHz as a function of the incident plane wave angle phi. The total simulation takes about 10 hours and 240 MB memory.


Structure Generation


The structure is constructed by defining the aircraft body and the wings using primitive shapes. The glider is solely made of PEC and axially symmetric.


Solver Setup


Due to the requested RCS calculation the excitation is determined as a plane wave and a farfield monitor is defined at 0.5 GHz. The special solver parameters and the surface mesh properties are chosen in order to perform an electrically large model. For the mono-static RCS angle sweep the fast RCS sweep is defined via the solver specials option. The RCS is computed with a 1掳 step width between 0掳 and 180掳.



Post Processing


The resulting RCS values are stored in the folder 1D Results Monostatic RCS. As an example, the polar mono-static RCS is shown below including the aircraft’s outline.



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