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Dual Patch Antenna

Transient Analysis Examples - Antennas




General Description


This example shows the calculation of S-Parameters, near-  and far-fields of a dual patch antenna. Major point of this example is the demonstration of the capabilities of using the CST DESIGN STUDIO schematic in order to check the influence of amplitude and phase variations on the farfield pattern.


Structure Generation


The antenna and substrate are created using basic bricks. After the first patch and feed have been modeled, the second patch can be obtained by mirroring and copying the first one.


Solver Setup


Two waveguide ports are defined using the picked face and port extension into free space and substrate by entering the numbers manually:



The Transient Solver is started with Ports=all setting. Please note, that the required  independent port runs can be distributed to different machines using the Distributed Computing functionality.

Post Processing

The simulation delivers the farfields for the single excitations [1] and [2]. Switching to the schematic allows to study the phase variations very quickly. For this purpose an ideal phase shifter is used. It adds the specified shift to the results obtained by the single excitations [1] and [2] at a fixed frequency.


The definition of the Simulation Task "S-Parameter" then allows to combine 3D fields and farfields. These fields can be accessed through Result Templates (defined in CST DESIGN STUDIO). The combined E, H-field and farfield patterns are labeled by the excitation string "[S-Parameters1]" in the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO result tree.

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