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Dielectric Sphere

Transient Analysis Examples - RCS Calculations




General Description


In this example the RCS calculation of a dielectric sphere is presented. A plane wave is incident and the scattering properties of the structure are of interest.


Structure Generation


The frequency unit is set to gigahertz, the background material is defined as vacuum and the boundary conditions are set to "expanded open".

The structure is quite easy to construct by defining a sphere consisting of normal dielectric material. In order to take advantage of the symmetry of the model, two suitable symmetry planes are specified.


Solver Setup


Due to the requested RCS calculation the excitation is determined as a plane wave and a farfield monitor is defined at a specified frequency.

In addition two 3D field monitors will visualize the propagation of the plane wave through the simulation volume.

Mesh adaptation (to the maximum RCS value) is switched on to reach the desired accuracy of the RCS results.


Post Processing


The farfield information is stored in the folder Farfield in the navigation tree, where the corresponding plot mode has to be chosen to get the visualization of the RCS properties. The monitored 3D fields can be examined in the folder 2D/3D Results, while the excitation signal of the plane wave is listed in the folder 1D Results.

The 0D result template 'rcs 3d_max' calculates the maximum value of the 3D RCS. This 0D result template is used for the mesh adaptation. The 1D result templates 'rcs phi=0' and 'rcs theta=90' record two different cuts of the RCS values. After mesh adaptation, you can see the convergence history over the mesh adaptation passes.

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