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Dielectric Lens

Integral Equation Solver Examples



General Description


In this example a dielectric lens in front of an horn antenna is presented. A waveguide port is used to define an excitation. E-field, H-field, surface current and farfield monitors are defined for 40 GHz.


Structure Generation


The horn antenna is constructed by a predefined macro which can be found in the menu under Home: Macros Construct Online Horn Antenna. The dielectric lens is build by a sphere. First the sphere is sliced and the not required part is deleted. The edge is created by boolean subtract of a cylinder.


Solver Setup


In order to enable a calculation a wave guide port is defined as the excitation source, feeding the horn antenna. Before starting the simulation, the monitors are set up.


Post Processing


The resulting fields as well as the port modes are stored in the 2D/3D Results folder. E-fields and H-fields can be visualized not only at the structure surface but also on a 2D plane by using Home: Macros Results 2D/3D Results Plot I-Solver or M-Solver Result on 2D Plane. Furthermore the farfield is stored in the Farfields result folder:.




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