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Circular Patch Antenna

 Transient Analysis Examples - Antennas




General Description


This example shows the S-parameter and farfield calculation of a circular patch antenna.

The model consists of a circular plate that is located on top of the substrate, above the feeding microstrip line and the ground plane. The substrate entirely encloses the microstrip line.


Structure Generation


The structure is modelled only by using basic shapes. A cylinder is used for the plate. The substrate and the microstrip line are modelled by bricks. The ground plane does not need to be modelled by a shape because it can be included by choosing an electric boundary condition. Also, because of the symmetry of the structure a magnetic symmetry condition is used in order to save simulation time.


Solver Setup


For the excitation a wave guide port at the beginning of the microstrip line is defined. The reference plane of this port is deembedded inside the structure to skip the S-parameter phase shift of the feed line.

Mesh adaptation to the S-Parameters and the maximum gain value is enabled.

Two monitors at the resonance frequency allow the visualization of the surface currents and the farfield after the simulation.


Mesh Settings


The mesh generator has been set to use 10 lines per lambda and a mesh refinement at PEC edges by a factor of four. These settings are well suited as starting mesh for the mesh adaptation.


Post Processing


The scattering parameters and the time signals can be accessed through the 1D Result folder in the navigation tree. The results there can also be selected during the simulation. The surface current can be accessed through 2D/3D Results Surface Current hfield (f=2.92)[1] while the farfield can be found in Farfields farfield (f=2.92)[1].

For the mesh adaptation, the 0D result template "gain 3d_Max" calculating the maximum gain has been defined.

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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