Potential Object
Defines a new potential on a PEC solid or sheet.
Resets all internal settings to their default values.
Name (name name )
Sets the name of the new charge source.
Value (double potentialvalue )
Sets the potential value for a PEC solid which is specified by the face command.
Phase (double phasevalue )
Sets the phase value for a potential on a PEC solid. This setting is only considered when an electroquasistatic simulation is performed.
AddFace (solidname solidname, int faceid )
Selects a face from a solid by its face id, where the source is mapped to.
Type ( enum {"Fixed", "Floating"} type )
Specifies the type of the potential. If a perfect electric conductor (PEC) unit has to be maintained at a specific potential, then set the potential type to "Fixed". Alternatively, the PEC unit can be made "Floating" meaning that this the corresponding unit has a constant charge..
Creates the source with the previously made settings.
Delete (name name)
Deletes the specified potential source.
Rename (name oldname, name newname )
Renames the specified potential.
GetType (name name )
Returns the type ("Fixed" or "Floating") of a potential source with a given name.
GetValue (name name )
Returns the value of a potential source with a given name.
GetPhase (name name )
Returns the phase of a potential source with a given name.
Default Settings
Value ("0")
Face ("", 0)
With Potential
.Name ("potential1")
.Value ("1")
.Phase ("0")
.Face ("component1:solid1", "1")
.Type ("Fixed")
End With