Probe Object

Defines probes within your structure that store one field component at that location. The field values during time as well as the corresponding S-Parameter are stored. You may have either electric or magnetic field probes in nearfield as well as in farfield region.

General Methods


Resets all internal values to their default settings.


Name ( name probeName )

Sets the name for the probe to probeName.


Rename ( name oldName, name newName )

Renames an already existing probe from oldName to newName.


GetName name

Returns the name of the currently selected probe. The selection is done either with the GetFirst or the GetNext function.


Field ( enum{"efield","hfield","efarfield","hfarfield","rcs"} fieldType )

Selects whether the probe should monitor an electric ("efield") or magnetic ("hfield") field inside the calculation domain or an electric ("efarfield") or magnetic ("hfarfield") farfield or RCS values.


GetField  enum{"efield","hfield","efarfield","hfarfield","rcs"}

Returns the field type of the currently selected probe. The selection is done either with the GetFirst or the GetNext function.



Creates the probe.


Delete ( name probeName )

Deletes the probe named probeName.

Methods Concerning Probe Position and Orientation

Xpos ( double pos )

Ypos ( double pos )

Zpos ( double pos )

Defines the position of the probe for the respective coordinate direction.


SetPosition1 ( double pos )

SetPosition2 ( double pos )

SetPosition3 ( double pos )

Defines the first, second or third  farfield coordinate parameter of the probe due to the selected coordinate system (using SetCoordinateSystemType method).


The actual coordinate set with SetPostion1/2/3 is listed below depending on the coordinate system type:

Coordinate System Type

Parameter 1

Parameter 2

Parameter 3









Ludwig 2 Azim. over Elev.




Ludwig 2 Elev. over Azim.




Ludwig 3





Orientation ( enum orientType )

Defines the orientation of the probe regarding the coordinate system type set with SetCoordinateSystemType and therefore the field component that is monitored.


orientType can have one of the following values:


component in x-direction of the cartesian coordinate system


component in y-direction of the cartesian coordinate system


component in z-direction of cartesian coordinate system


create a set of probes with all the available orientations depending on the coordinate system.  For instance for the cartesian coordinate system the probes are generated in the x-, y- and z- direction whereas for the spherical coordinate system the probes are in the theta- and phi- direction. The option allows to inspect all the field components at the same time together with the global field magnitude computation.


component in theta-direction of spherical coordinate system


component in phi-direction of spherical coordinate system


component in radial-direction of spherical and Ludwig2/3 coordinate systems


component in azimuth-direction of Ludwig 2 Azim. over Elev. coordinate system


component in elevation-direction of Ludwig 2 Azim. over Elev. coordinate system


component in epsilon-direction of Ludwig 2 Elev. over Azim. coordinate system


component in alpha-direction of Ludwig 2 Elev. over Azim. coordinate system


component in horizontal-direction of Ludwig 3 coordinate system


component in vertical-direction of Ludwig 3 coordinate system

Queries Concerning Probe Position and Orientation

GetPosition1 double

GetPosition2 double

GetPosition3 double

Returns the first, second or third component of the position of the currently selected probe, depending on the corresponding coordinate system type, respectively. The selection of the probe is done either with the GetFirst or the GetNext function.


GetXPos double

GetYPos double

GetZPos double

Returns the position of the probe for the respective coordinate direction.


GetOrientation enum orientType

Returns the orientation of the probe as a string value orientType. Please find the meaning of the different string values in the description of the Orientation method above.

The selection of the probe is done either with the GetFirst or the GetNext function.


GetTheta double

GetPhi double

GetRadius double

Returns the location of the probe in spherical coordinates. The selection of the probe is done either with the GetFirst or the GetNext function.


GetXComp double

GetYComp double

GetZComp double

Returns the orientation of the probe in cartesian coordinates. The selection of the probe is done either with the GetFirst or the GetNext function.

Methods Concerning Farfield Specials

SetCoordinateSystemType ( enum coordType )

GetCoordinateSystemType enum coordType

Sets or returns the coordinate system type for a farfield probe, respectively. For the GetCoordinateSystemType method the selection of the probe is done either with the GetFirst or the GetNext function.


coordType can have one of the following values:


Cartesian coordinate system


Spherical coordinate system


Ludwig 2 Azimuth over Elevation coordinate system


Ludwig 2 Elevation over Azimuth coordinate system


Ludwig 3 coordinate system


Origin ( enum originType )

The origin type of all farfield probes.


originType can have one of the following values:


The center of the bounding box of the structure.


Origin of coordinate system.


Any desired point defined by Userorigin


Userorigin (double x, double y, double z )

Sets origin of the farfield probe calculation if the origin type is set to ”free”.


UseDecouplingPlane ( bool bFlag  )

Enables or disables a decoupling plane for a farfield probe calculation.


DecouplingPlaneAxis ( enum{"x", "y", "z"} axis )

This command sets the normal of user defined decoupling plane. The normal is always aligned with one of the three cartesian coordinate axes x, y, or z.


DecouplingPlanePosition ( double position )

Enter here the coordinate of the user defined decoupling plane in normal direction.


SetDecouplingMirrorPlane ( bool bFlag  )

If activated a user defined decoupling plane for a  farfield probe calculation is used instead of an automatically detected decoupling plane.

Probe Iteration

GetFirst long

Selects the first probe in the internal probe list and returns 1 on success and 0 if no probes are defined. The following probes of the list are then selectable using the GetNext function.


GetNext long

Selects the next probe in the internal probe list and returns 1 on success and 0 if no probes are defined. The first probe of the list is selectable using the GetFirst function.

Default Settings

Field ("efield")

Xpos (0.0)

Ypos (0.0)

Zpos (0.0)

Orientation ("x")

SetCoordinateSystemType ("Cartesian")

Origin ("bbox")

Userorigin (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

UseMirrorPlane (False)

MirrorPlaneAxis ("x")

MirrorPlanePosition (0.0)

SetUserMirrorPlane (False)


With Probe


.Name ("my_probe")

.Field ("efarfield")

.SetCoordinateSystemType ("Spherical")

.SetPosition1 (90.0)

.SetPosition2 (0.0)

.SetPosition3 (1.0)

.Orientation ("Theta")

.Origin ("zero")


End With