EvaluateFieldOnFace Object

Evaluate a field, previously selected in the navigation tree, on a specified face.


IntegrateField ( name  sFaceName, enum{"x", "y", "z", "abs", "normal"} component, double_ref  dIntReal, double_ref  dIntImag, double_ref  dArea )

Integrates the real and imaginary part of the selected field component / absolute value over the face named by sFaceName. The integrals and the area of the face are returned in the double variables dIntReal, dIntImag and dArea.


GetValue ( enum key ) double

Returns the double value of max/min and their position depending on the key "max", "min", "max x", "max y", "max z", "min x", "min y", "min z".


Dim dIntReal as Double, dIntImag as Double

Dim dArea, dMax As Double

EvaluateFieldOnFace.IntegrateField ("face1", "normal", dIntReal, dIntImag, dArea)

dMax = EvaluateFieldOnFace.GetValue ("max")

MsgBox Str$(dIntReal)+"+i("+Str$(dIntImag)+") A="+Str$(dArea)+" max="+Str$(dMax)