Evaluate a 2D/3D field, previously selected in the navigation tree, along a specified curve. The field values can be analyzed as a 1D result.
PlotField ( name sCurveName, enum{"x", "y", "z", "abs", "tangential"} component )
Creates a 1D-plot of the selected field component / absolute value along the curve named by sCurveName. The plot is put under "1D Results\Field Along Curves\<sCurveName>" in the navigation tree.
IntegrateField ( name sCurveName, enum{"x", "y", "z", "abs", "tangential"} component, double_ref dIntReal, double_ref dIntImag )
Integrates the real and imaginary part of the selected field component / absolute value along the curve named by sCurveName. The integrals are returned in the double variables dIntReal and dIntImag.
FitCurveToGridForPlot ( bool switch )
If switch is set to True, the field is plot along a curve path which is fitted to the mesh cells. Else, the field is interpolated on the exact curve positions for the plot.
FitCurveToGridForIntegration ( bool switch )
If switch is set to True, the field is integrated along a curve path which is fitted to the mesh cells. Set to False to interpolate the field on the exact curve positions for the integration.
Default Settings
FitCurveToGridForPlot (False)
FitCurveToGridForIntegration (True)
Dim dIntReal as Double, dIntImag as Double
EvaluateFieldAlongCurve.FitCurveToGridForIntegration (True)
EvaluateFieldAlongCurve.IntegrateField ("curve1", "tangential", dIntReal, dIntImag)
EvaluateFieldAlongCurve.PlotField ("curve1", "tangential")
SelectTreeItem ("1D Results\Field Along Curves\curve1\Mag")
MsgBox Str$(dIntReal)+"+i("+Str$(dIntImag)+")"