Project Object

The Project Object offers miscellaneous functions concerning the program in general.

General Methods


Resets the actual project. All results will be deleted and all internal data structures will be reset to default values. However, the History List and the parameters will not be affected. You may restore the project (except for the results) with the Rebuild Function.


ScreenUpdating ( bool  switch )

Switches the update of the results of the main view during the simulation on and off.


SelectQuickStartGuide ( enum {"Electrostatic", "Magnetostatic", "Particle Tracking"} type )

Sets the kind of QuickStartGuide.


SelectTreeItem ( string  itemname ) bool

Selects the tree Item, specified by name. The main view will be updated according to the selection. A tree Item that is not the root Item may be specified by the full path. The return value is True if the selection was successful.

Example: SelectTreeItem ("Components\component1\solid1")


GetNumberOfSelectedTreeItems long

Returns the number of tree items which are currently selected.


GetSelectedTreeItem string

Returns the path name of the currently selected tree item or folder with regard to the root of the tree.

Example: If a solid named "solid1" is selected in the "component1" folder of the "Components" folder, the returned path name will be "Components\component1\sold1".


GetNextSelectedTreeItem string

Returns the path name of the next selected tree item or folder if multiple items are selected. You need to use GetSelectedTreeItem  once before using this command.

Example: If a solid named "solid1" is selected in the "component1" folder of the "Components" folder, the returned path name will be "Components\component1\sold1".


SetLock ( bool  switch )

Disables the interaction with the CST PARTICLE STUDIO. No user actions can be made. After a VBA-Script has been executed, SetLock is automatically reset to False.


AddToHistory ( string header, string contents ) bool

Adds a new entry to the history list entitled header. The contents of the entry is stored in contents. This contents is executed through the VBA interpreter if this method is called. Therefore it must contain valid VBA commands for  CST PARTICLE STUDIO;.  If the new entry could be created and the contents could be executed AddToHistory returns True, otherwise False.


PositionWindow (string location,  long  handle)

This functions sets the position of a window relatively to the location of the main application window. The following settings are valid locations:



Position the window in the center of the main application window

"top left"

Position the window in the top left corner of the main application window

"top right"

Position the window in the top right corner of the main application window

"bottom left"

Position the window in the bottom left corner of the main application window

"bottom right"

Position the window in the bottom right corner of the main application



The window which needs to be positioned is specified by its window handle. The typical usage of this function is in the initialization part of a user defined dialog box function as shown in the example below:


Private Function DlgFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean

Select Case Action%

Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization

PositionWindow "top right", SuppValue

Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed

Case 3 ' TextBox or ComboBox text changed

Case 4 ' Focus changed

Case 5 ' Idle

Case 6 ' Function key

End Select

End Function


GetDataBaseValue ( string  key ) string

GetDataBaseArrayValue ( string  key, long  index ) string

Provide access to the settings database. Returnes the data base value specified by key as a string.

File Handling

Backup ( filename  filename )

Creates a copy of the actual project and its results. The current project is not affected. 'filename' is the name of the copy.



Resets the entire program. A new unnamed project will be opened.


OpenFile ( filename  filename )

Opens an existing project. A previous project will be closed. 'filename' is the name of the project to be opened.



Closes the program without saving unless the structure of the project has been changed.



Saves the current state of the project, including all results obtained so far.


SaveAs ( filename  filename, bool  include_results )

Saves the current state of the project, including all results obtained so far (optional with 'include_results''). 'filename' is the name of the project to be opened.


StoreInArchive ( filename  filename, bool  keepAllResults, bool  keep1DResults, bool  keepFarfieldData, bool  deleteProjFolder )

Stores a project in a zip-file with the specified settings. You have the choice to include different sets of files. Either you include all calculated results ('keepAllResults'') or you can keep the calculated 1D results ('keep1DResults'') and/or the calculated farfield data ('keepFarfieldData').  'filename' is the name of the project to be archived as well as the destination of the zip-file. The last option is to delete the project  folder. Note that the project folder has to be deleted if none of the result/data files are included.

Parameter Handling

DeleteParameter ( string  name )

Deletes an existing parameter with the specified name.


GetNumberOfParameters long

Returns the number of parameters defined so far.


GetParameterName ( long  index ) string

Returns the name of the parameter referenced by the given index. The first parameter is reference by the index 0.


GetParameterNValue ( long  index ) double

Returns the value of the double parameter referenced by the given index. The first parameter is referenced by the index 0.


GetParameterSValue ( long  index ) string

Returns the numerical expression for the parameter referenced by the given index. The first parameter is referenced by the index 0.


RestoreParameter ( string  name ) string

Gets the value of the specified string parameter.


RestoreDoubleParameter ( string  name ) double

Gets the value of a specified double parameter.


RestoreParameterExpression ( string  name ) string

Gets the numerical expression for the specified string parameter.


StoreParameterWithDescription ( string  name, string  value, string  description  )

Creates a new string parameter or changes an existing one, with the specified string value and the description.


StoreParameter ( string  name, string  value )

Creates a new string parameter or changes an existing one, with the specified string value.


StoreDoubleParameter ( string  name, double  value )

Creates a new double parameter or changes an existing one, with the specified double value.


MakeSureParameterExists ( string  name, string  value )

Makes sure that the parameter name is available. If it is already defined it is left unchanged. If there is no parameter name, it is created with the specified value.


SetParameterDescription  ( string  name, string  description )

Defines the description for a given parameter, which is specified by its name.


GetParameterDescription ( string  name ) string

Returns the description of a given parameter, which is specified by its name.

Global Data Cache


Clear all global data values.


DeleteGlobalDataValue ( string  name )

Delete a global data value with a given name.


RestoreGlobalDataValue ( string  name ) string

Returnes a global data value with a given name.


StoreGlobalDataValue ( string  name, string  value )

Creates a new global data value with a given name and value or changes an existing one.

Mathematical Functions / Constants

ACos ( double  value ) double

Returns the arc cosine of the input parameter as a radian value.


ACosD ( double  value ) double

Returns the arc cosine of the input parameter in degree.


ASin ( double  value ) double

Returns the arc sine of the input parameter as a radian value.


ASinD ( double  value ) double

Returns the arc sine of the input parameter in degree.


ATnD ( double  value ) double

Returns the arc tangent of the input parameter in degree.


ATn2 ( double  value1, double  value2 ) double

Returns the arc tangent of the relation of value1 to value2 as a radian value.


Numerator of the arc tangent calculation.


Denominator of the arc tangent calculation.


ATn2D ( double  value1, double  value2 ) double

Returns the arc tangent of the relation of value1 to value2 in degree.


Numerator of the arc tangent calculation.


Denominator of the arc tangent calculation.


CLight double

Returns the constant value for the speed of light in vacuum.


CosD ( double  value ) double

Returns the cosine of the input parameter in degree.


Eps0 double

Returns the constant value for the permittivity of vacuum.


Evaluate ( string  expression ) double

Evaluates and returns the numerical double result of a string expression.


im ( double  amplitude, double  phase ) double

Calculates the imaginary part of a complex number defined by its amplitude and phase.


Mue0 double

Returns the constant value for the permeability of vacuum.


Pi double

Returns the constant value of Pi.


re ( double  amplitude, double  phase ) double  

Calculates the real part of a complex number defined by its amplitude and phase.


SinD ( double  value ) double

Returns the sine of the input parameter in degree.


TanD ( double  value ) double

Returns the tangent of the input parameter in degree.


FMod ( double  value1, double  value2 ) double

Returns the floating point remainder of value1 divided by value2.

Result Templates

ActivateScriptSettings ( bool  switch )

This method activates (switch = "True") or deactivates (switch = "False")  the script settings of a customized result item.



This method clears the internal settings of a previously customized result item.


GetLast0DResult ( string  name ) double

This method returns the last 0D result of the selected result template. 'name' is the name of a previously defined result template.


GetLast1DResult ( string  name ) Result1D

This method returns the last 1D result of the selected result template. 'name' is the name of a previously defined result template.


GetLast1DComplexResult ( string  name ) Result1DComplex

This method returns the last complex 1D result of the selected result template. 'name' is the name of a previously defined result template.


GetScriptSetting ( string  name, string  default_value ) string

This function is only active if a result template is currently in process. It returns the internal settings of the previously customized result item using the StoreScriptSetting method. In case that no settings has been stored, the default value will be returned.


StoreScriptSetting ( string  name, string  value )

This function is only active if a result template is currently in process. It offers the possibility to customize the corresponding result item with help of internal settings, which can be recalled using the GetScriptSetting function. 'name' is the name defining the internal setting. 'value' is the value of the setting.


StoreTemplateSetting ( string  setting, string  value )

This function is only active if a result template is processed. It defines the type of the template and needs to be set in the define method of every result template. The variable 'setting' has to be the string "TemplateType". The variable 'value' can be"0D", "1D", "1DC", "M0D", "M1D" or "M1DC". The choice of the template type determines which evaluation method of the template is called when being processed and what return type is expected. More details can be found on the Post Processing Template Layout help page.


GetScriptFileName string

Returns the file name of the currently active script.



Evaluates all existing result templates. As well as after a solverrun or pushing 'Evaluate All' in Template Base Postprocessing dialog.


SetApplicationName ( string  name )

Sets the application name ("EMS", "PS", "MWS", "MS",  "DS for MWS", "DS for PCBS", "DS for CS", "DS for MS", "DS"). Use this function for developing a result template.



Reset the application name to the default name. Use this function for developing a result template.



Resets the template iterator to the beginning of the list of defined result templates and clears all template filters.


SetTemplateFilter( string filtername, string value)

Sets a filter for the template iterator which iterates over the list of defined result templates. Allowed values for 'filtername' are "resultname", "type", "templatename" and "folder". If 'filtername' is set to 'type' , then 'value'  can be "0D", "1D", "1DC", "M0D", "M1D", or "M1DC". For all other filternames, 'value' can be an arbitrary string.


GetNextTemplate( string resultname, string type, string templatename, string folder) bool

Fills the parameter variables with the data of the next template of the list of defined result templates. The variable "resultname" will be filled with the result name of the defined template, e.g. "S11". The variable "type" will be filled with the type of the current result template and can be "0D", "1D", "1DC", "M0D", "M1D" or "M1DC". The variable "templatename" will be filled with the name of the template definition file, e.g. "S-Parameter (1D)". The variable "folder" will be filled with the relative folder where the template definition file is located (e.g. "Farfield and Antenna Properties"). If a filter was defined (see SetTemplateFilter) the method only returns the data of templates that match the filter. If the end of the template list is reached or no more templates are present that meet the defined filter, the method returns false. The method requires ResetTemplateIterator to be called in advance.

The following example shows all defined 0D Templates:

Dim Resultname As String, Templatetype As String, Templatename As String, Folder As String



While (GetNextTemplate( Resultname, Templatetype, Templatename, Folder) = True)

MsgBox(Resultname & vbNewLine & Templatetype & vbNewLine & Templatename & vbNewLine & Folder)



GetFileType( string filename) string

Checks the file type of the file with absolute path specified in the variable 'filename'. If the file is a complex signal file, the string "complex" will be returned. If the file is a real-valued signal file, the string "real" will be returned. If the file type is unknown or the file can not be found, "unknown" will be returned.


GetImpedanceFromTreeItem( string treename ) Result1DComplex

If the 1D tree item with the name 'treename' can be visualized as a Smith Chart, this method returns a Result1DComplex object filled with the corresponding impedance data. If no impedance data is available, this method returns an empty Result1DComplex object.


GetFirstTableResult( string resultname) string

Returns the name of the table that was created on evaluation of the template with the name 'resultname' or an empty string.


GetNextTableResult( string resultname) string

If the template created more than one table on evaluation, this method returns the names of next table that was created on evaluation of the template with the name 'resultname'. If no more table names are available, this method returns an empty string. Please note that GetFirstTableName needs to be called before and that this method needs to be called with the same value for parameter 'resultname'.


GetTemplateAborted( ) bool

Returns true if the user aborted the template based postprocessing evaluation, otherwise false.


GetMacroPath string

Returns the first directory, that has been set as location for globally defined macros. This function is the same as "GetMacroPathFromIndex(0)"


GetMacroPathFromIndex ( long  index ) string

Returns the name of the macro path referenced by the given index. The first macro path is reference by the index 0.


GetNumberOfMacroPaths int

Returns the number of defined macro directories.


RunAndWait ( string  command )

Executes a 'command' and waits with the execution of the current VBA-Script until 'command' has finished. The VBA-command shell in contrast, executes a command in a second thread such that the execution of the script continues. 'command' is the command to be executed. For instance every properly installed program on the current computer can be started.


RunMacro ( string  macroname )

Starts the execution of a macro.


RunScript ( string  scriptname )

Reads the script input of a file.


ReportInformation ( string  message )

Reports the information text message to the user. The text will be written either into the output window (if a solver is currently running) or into a message dialog box.


ReportWarning ( string  message )

Reports the warning text message to the user. The text will be written either into the output window (if a solver is currently running) or into a message dialog box.


ReportInformationToWindow ( string  message )

Reports the information text message to the user. The text will be written into the output window.


ReportWarningToWindow ( string  message )

Reports the warning text message to the user. The text will be written into the output window.


ReportError ( string  message )

Reports the error text message to the user. The text will be written into a message dialog box. The currently active VBA command evaluation will be stopped immediately. An On Error Goto statement will be able to catch this error.

MPI Cluster Setup

SetCommonMPIClusterConfig  ( string  install_folder, string  temp_folder, string  architecture)

Set global and common information relative to all machines in MPI cluster. It is necessary to specify, in order:

• the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO installation folder. This can be a local or network path.

This latter option enables executable depot to be maintained updated and homogeneous.

• the temporary folder, for data storing on remote machines.

• the machines architecture and Operating System (OS). This field should belong to the following set:

enum {"Windows IA32", " Windows AMD64", " Linux IA32”, ”r;Linux AMD64”} type


SetCommonMPIClusterLoginInfo ( string  login_user, string  login_private_key_file)

Set global and common information relative to the MPI mechanism starting a Linux cluster from a Windows frontend. To enable a password less access the Linux login mechanism actually requires:

• the user name which will be used as login to the Linux cluster.

• the user private key file location. The file may be a local one or network one stored on a location shared by all cluster machines.


GetMPIClusterSize  long

Return the number of machine defined in the MPI cluster.



Reset all entries for the machine definition in the MPI cluster.


AddMPIClusterNodeConfig ( string  host_name, string  install_folder, string  temp_folder, string  architecture, bool  active)

Add a new machine to MPI cluster, setting all its relevant properties:

• the CST MICROWAVE STUDIO installation folder. This can be a local or network path. If left empty, default installation folder setting is employed.

• the temporary folder, for data storing on remote machines. If left empty, default temporary folder setting is employed.

• the machines architecture and Operating System (OS). This field may belong to the following set:

enum {"Windows IA32", " Windows AMD64", " Linux IA32”, ” Linux AMD64”} type

If left empty, default architecture setting is employed.

• an activation flag to enable or disable the computation on the machine.


The typical usage of these functions is in the initialization of a cluster of machines, to be used in solver MPI parallelization mode.

The following example shows the configuration of 2 nodes:

' Remove previous cluster definition


' Set default parameters

SetCommonMPIClusterConfig(”r;C:\program files\MWS 2009”,”e:\temp\mpi”,”Windows IA32”)

' Add active nodes (with default parameter)

AddMPIClusterNodeConfig (”r;Mynode1”,””,””,””,true)

' Add second node specializing parameter

AddMPIClusterNodeConfig (”r;Mynode2”,”C:\programme\MWS 2009”,”f:\mpi”,”Windows IA32”,true)

' Enable solver MPI computation


Result Curve Handling

ImportXYCurveFromASCIIFile ( string  folder_name, string  file_name )

Imports the data of the file "fileName" to the folder "folderName"


PasteCurvesFromASCIIFile ( string  folder_name, string  file_name )

Pastes the data of the ASCII-file "fileName" to the folder "folderName"


PasteCurvesFromClipboard ( string  folder_name )

Pastes the clipboard contents to the folder "folderName".


ScaleCurves ( string  folder_name, double  xScale, double  yScale )

Scales the x and y data rows of all 1D plot data located in the specified folder "folder_name"  of the navigation tree and in all its subfolders. 'folder_name' is a path or folder in the navigation tree. 'xScale'/'yScale' is the value multiplied with each sample of the x/y data row.


StoreCurvesInASCIIFile ( string  file_name )

Stores the selected 1D or 2D plot in the specified filename as ASCII data.



Stores the selected 1D or 2D plot in the clipboard.

Result Data Access


Deletes all results of the actual project.


GetFieldFrequency double

Returns the frequency of the currently plotted field. If no field is plotted, zero will be returned.


GetFieldPlotMaximumPos ( double_ref  x, double_ref  y, double_ref  z ) double

GetFieldPlotMinimumPos( double_ref  x, double_ref  y, double_ref  z ) double

Returns the maximum / minimum of the colour scale and its global position of a plot without considering the manual setting of the borders. 'x', 'y', 'z' are the absolute coordinate of the maximum / minimum as return values.


GetFieldVector ( double  x, double  y, double  z, double_ref  vxre, double_ref  vyre, double_ref  vzre, double_ref  vxim, double_ref  vyim, double_ref  vzim ) bool

Returns the complex vector field value of the currently active field plot at the given position. If the field is scalar, only the vxre component has non-zero values. If no field plot is active or the given position is out of range the function returns false.


X - value of the position of the desired field value.


Y - value of the position of the desired field value.


Z - value of the position of the desired field value.


Real part of the x-component of the field value.


Real part of the y-component of the field value.


Real part of the z-component of the field value.


Imaginary part of the x-component of the field value.


Imaginary part of the y-component of the field value.


Imaginary part of the z-component of the field value.



Deletes the geometry data cache that has been built up by GetFieldVector.


GetMaxVectorLength ( double  vxre, double  vxim, double  vyre, double  vyim, double  vzre, double  vzim ) double

GetMinVectorLength ( double  vxre, double  vxim, double  vyre, double  vyim, double  vzre, double  vzim ) double

Returns the maximum / minimum absolute value of a three dimensional vector. 'vxre', 'vxim', 'very', 'vyim', 'vzre', 'vzim' are the real and imaginary part the vector's components.



Resets the table default properties to the internal default values:

Table plot type


Complex partner table

 " "

Complex type



The default values can be changed again by the following methods SetTablePlotTypeDefault, SetTableComplexTypeDefault and SetTableComplexPartnerDefault.


SetTablePlotTypeDefault ( enum {"Cartesian", "Polar", "Complex"} type )

Sets the default value for the table plot type.


SetTableComplexTypeDefault ( enum {"Unknown", "Real", "Imag", "MagLin", "MagdB10", "MagdB20", "Phase"} type )

Defines the default complex type for complex tables.


SetTableComplexPartnerDefault ( string treepath )

Defines the treepath for the default setting of the complex partner table.


GetApplicationName string

Returns the application name.


GetApplicationVersion string

Returns the current version number as a string.


GetInstallPath string

Returns the path where the program is installed.


GetProjectPath ( string  type ) string

Gets the project path. If the name of the current project is Try and its location is in c:\MySolvedProblems, the result of this function will be


Path returned














IsBuildingModel bool

Encounters whether CST PARTICLE STUDIO is currently processing the history list or not.


GetLicenseHostId string

Gets the host id for the currently used license (hardlock). This information may be useful for support purposes.


GetLicenseCustomerNumber string

Gets the current customer number from the license. This information may be useful for support purposes.

Parametric Modelling

Assign ( string  variable_name )

This function can be used only in connection with the BeginHide/EndHide Functions. 'variable_name' is a variable, defined within a BeginHide/EndHide block, that has to be valid outside of this block.



These function has an effect only if they are used in connection with the History List .



These function has an effect only if they are used in connection with the History List .


dist2d ( int  id, double  x, double  y ) double

Returns the spatial distance in 2d of a pickpoint to a specified position.


Number of the requested point in the pickpoint list.


x-coordinate of the specific position.


y-coordinate of the specific position.


dist3d ( int  id, double  x, double  y, double  z ) double

Returns the spatial distance in 3d of a pickpoint to a specified position.


Number of the requested point in the pickpoint list.


x-coordinate of the specific position.


y-coordinate of the specific position.


z-coordinate of the specific position.


ldist2D ( int  id, double  x1, double  y1, double  x2, double  y2 ) double

Returns the spatial distance in 2d of a pickpoint to a line defined by two points.


Number of the requested point in the pickpoint list.


x-coordinate of the start point of the specific line.


y-coordinate of the start point of the specific line.


x-coordinate of the end point of the specific line.


y-coordinate of the end point of the specific line.



Recreates the structure by processing the History List . All results will be deleted.


RebuildOnParametricChange (bool bfullRebuild, bool bShowErrorMsgBox) bool

Updates the structure after parametric changes have been made by processing the History List. Results which should survive parametric changes will be kept, all other results will be deleted.

If bfullRebuild is True the complete history list is processed instead of only those blocks which are affected by the parametric change. If bShowErrorMsgBox is set False no message box is shown in case of an error.

Returns True if the rebuild was successful.


xp / yp / zp ( int  id ) double

Returns the x / y / z-coordinate of a specified pickpoint defined by it's number in the pickpoint list.

Result Plotting

Plot3DPlotsOn2DPlane ( bool  switch )

Plots a 3D field on a 2D plane if 'switch' is True.


StoreViewInBmpFile ( string  file_name )

Stores the contents of the main view into a bitmap file defined by 'file_name'.

Example: StoreViewInBmpFile ("MyPicture.bmp")



Stores the contents of the main window to the clipboard as a bitmap.

Distributed Computing Setup

UseDistributedComputingForParameters (bool  flag )

Enables distributed computing for parameter sweep or optimizer runs.

Example: UseDistributedComputingForParameters ("True")


MaxNumberOfDistributedComputingParameters ( int num )

Sets the number of CST DC Solver Servers which should be used in parallel during a distribute parameter sweep / optimizer run. This is also the number of required acceleration tokens.

Example: MaxNumberOfDistributedComputingParameters (4)


UseDistributedComputingMemorySetting ( bool  flag )

Enables the lower memory limit for a distributed computing run.

Example: UseDistributedComputingMemorySetting ("True")


MinDistributedComputingMemoryLimit ( int lowerLimit  )

Sets the lower limit of required memory for a distributed computing run. A CST DC Solver Server with at least lowerLimit MB available memory will be used for the job.

Example: MinDistributedComputingMemoryLimit (1024)