Background Object

The background object defines the kind of material that surrounds your structure. And defines its volume. By default the volume is defined by the maximum distances of your structure.



Resets all internal values to their default settings.


Type ( enum materialType )

Sets the material type used for the background.


materialType can have one of the following values:


Not  conducting, with relative permittivity epsilon and relative permeability mue.


Perfect electric conducting material


Epsilon ( double value )

Defines the electric permittivity of the background material.


Mue ( double value )

Defines the permeability of the background material.


ElConductivity ( double value )

Defines the electric conductivity of the background material. This value is considered only for Low Frequency simulations.


XminSpace ( double value )

XmaxSpace ( double value )

YminSpace ( double value )

YmaxSpace ( double value )

ZminSpace ( double value )

ZmaxSpace ( double value )

Adds space to the lower or upper x, y or z boundary of the current calculation volume respectively.


ThermalType ( enum thermalMaterialType )

Sets the material type used for the background.


thermalMaterialType can have one of the following values:


Not thermal conducting, with relative permittivity epsilon and relative permeability mue.


Perfect thermal conducting material


ThermalConductivity ( double  value )

Thermal conductivity is a property of materials that expresses the heat flux f (W/m2) that will flow through the material if a certain temperature gradient DT (K/m) exists over the material. The unit for value is W/K/m.


ApplyInAllDirections ( bool  flag )

Is at the moment used for the background dialog to identify if the xmin value should be applied in all directions.

Default Settings

Type ("pec")

Epsilon (1.0)

Mue (1.0)

XminSpace (0.0)

XmaxSpace (0.0)

YminSpace (0.0)

YmaxSpace (0.0)

ZminSpace (0.0)

ZmaxSpace (0.0)

ThermalType ("normal")

ThermalConductivity (0.0)

ApplyInAllDirections (False)


With Background


.Type ("normal")

.Epsilon ("eps")

.Mue (1.0)

.XminSpace (50.0)

.XmaxSpace (50.0)

.YminSpace (25.0)

.YmaxSpace (25.0)

.ZminSpace (50.0)

.ZmaxSpace (50.0)

.ThermalType ("normal")

.ThermalConductivity (0.0)

.ApplyInAllDirections (False)

End With