QFactor Object

This object offers the possibility to calculate losses and as a result the Q-factor. It uses an H-field from a surface-loss-free solver run for calculation of surface losses. Dielectric losses are taken into account by either using the losses from a lossy solver run or applying the perturbation method in case of loss-free solver run. In both cases, lossy dielectric material properties have to be set before the solver run. For the surface losses, each material which was PEC in the surface-loss-free calculation can be set to a finite conductivity. Applying the calculation method, the losses and Q’s will be calculated for all solids. The losses are summed up for each material and for the total model.



Sets all internal values to their defaults and deletes previous results.



This method performs the calculation with the given settings. The results can be obtained using the different functions offered by the object.


SetHField ( name sFieldName )

Specifies the magnetic field from the loss-free calculation. It is possible to choose 3d eigenmodes (i.e. "Mode 1") or any 3d h-field by their navigation tree path (i.e. "2D/3D Results\H-Field\h-field (f=10) [1]"). In case that there does not exist a corresponding electric field monitor, the magnetic and electric energy will be assumed to be identically.


SetConductivity ( name name, string value )

SetMue ( name name, double value )

Defines the conductivity / mu to be used in the calculation for a specific material indicated by its name. Choose ”**Cond. Enclosure**” to set the value for the background material and/or electric boundaries. The conductivity is set either by a numerical value or to infinity using ”PEC”.


GetTotalQ double

GetTotalLossRMS double

GetTotalEnergy double

Returns the value of total Q, Loss or Energy respectively after execution of the calculate method.


GetQ ( name name ) double

GetLossRMS ( name name ) double

Returns the value of Q or Loss respectively for an entity name. Supported values are:

name parameter

Return value

solidname ("componentname:solidname")

Q/loss of the entered solid

material ("materialname")

Integrated Q/loss of the entered material

**Cond. Enclosure**

Q/loss of the bounding box surface

**Volume Losses**

Integrated Q/loss of all volume losses

**Sum of Surface Losses**

Integrated Q/loss of all surface losses



UseNewMethod ( bool switch )

If switch is False, sets the old method for surface loss calculation.


Save3DData ( bool switch )

If switch is True, the calculate method will also save plotable 3D field data into the Navigation Tree under "2D/3D Results\Power Loss Dens".


ASCIIExport ( filename sFileName )

This method offers ASCII export of the settings and results concerning the loss and Q-factor calculation into a file specified by sFileName. The data is listed for each solid separately together with the overall amount of the surface losses, the dielectric losses and the total losses.

Default Settings

SetConductivity ( * , "5.8e7")

SetMue ( * , 1.0 )


With QFactor


.SetHField ("2D/3D Results\H-Field\hc05 [1]")

.SetConductivity ("PEC", 8e7)

.SetMue ("PEC", 10)

.SetConductivity ("**Cond. Enclosure**", "PEC")


MsgBox Str$(.GetTotalQ)

MsgBox Str$(.GetLoss("component1:solid1"))

MsgBox Str$(.GetLoss("PEC"))

End With