PostProcess1D Object

This object offers the possibility to apply  post processing on 1D results.



Resets all internal values to their default settings.


ApplyTo ( enum{"S-parameter", "Probes", "Monitors"} applyTarget )

Set the target data the post processing should be applied to.


AddOperation (enum{"Time Window", "AR-Filter", "Phase Deembedding", "Renormalization", "VSWR", "YZ-matrices", "Exclude Port Modes"} operationType )

Add a post processing operation to the PostProcess1D object. All added operations will be performed when calling the Run method.


SetDeembedDistance ( int portName, double distance )

Specify distance for phase deembedding for the port with port number portName.


SetRenormImpedance ( int portName, int modeName, double impedance )

Set the renormalization impedance for the specified port mode to impedance.


SetRenormImpedanceOnAllPorts ( double impedance )

Set the renormalization impedance for all port modes to impedance.



Reset the renormalization impedance for all ports to its' original values.


SetConsiderPortMode( int portName, int modeName, bool flag)

Set the flag if the specified port mode should be considered for post processing or otherwise if it should be excluded. Please note, that if the specified port has the single-ended option switched on then all modes for this port are set to flag.



Applies the desired 1D post processing operations on the selected target data.

Note: a full set of operations can be applied only to S-parameters. For other types of data, only the AR-filter is useful.


ActivateOperation (enum {"VSWR", "YZ-matrices"} operationType, bool flag)

Activates a post processing operation for later processing. All activated operations will be performed after a solver run. Please note, that currently only VSWR and YZ-matrices are supported with this command.

Default Settings



With PostProcess1D

    Rem *** S-parameter post-processing ***


.ApplyTo ("S-parameter")

.SetDeembedDistance (1, 5.0)

.SetDeembedDistance (2, 10.0)

.SetDeembedDistance (3, 10.0)

.SetDeembedDistance (4, 5.0)

.AddOperation ("Phase Deembedding")

.SetRenormImpedance (1, 1, 7500.0)

.SetRenormImpedance (2, 1, 5000.0)

.SetRenormImpedance (3, 1, 5000.0)

.SetRenormImpedance (4, 1, 7500.0)

.AddOperation ("Renormalization")

.SetConsiderPortMode(1, 1, True)

.SetConsiderPortMode(2, 1, True)

.SetConsiderPortMode(3, 1, False)

.SetConsiderPortMode(4, 1, False)

.AddOperation ("Exclude Port Modes")

.AddOperation ("VSWR")


    Rem *** Probe signal post-processing ***


.ApplyTo ("Probes")

.AddOperation ("AR-filter")


End With