This command offers TOUCHSTONE file compatible export for the S-parameters. The extensions of the exported files names are specified by ”.sNp” where N stands for the number of ports in your model (e.g. ”.s3p”).

The TOUCHSTONE file contains a fixed reference impedance. During the export process, usually the S-parameters will be automatically normed to this impedance, if necessary. In some rare cases it may also be useful to export the S-parameters as they are (without renorming), but nevertheless specifying a reference impedance in the TOUCHSTONE file.



Resets the export options to the default.


FileName ( filename filename )

Sets the name of the exported file.


GetFileName string

Returns the full filename of the stored touchstone file including the automatically generated extension.


UserPrefix ( name name )

Set prefix for the S-parameter input files. The expected filename will be i.e. "project^prefix^a1(1)1(1).sig". Renormalization is disabled in this case. Use this before ".Write". Prefix will be reset to "" after ".Write".


Impedance ( double impedance )

The TOUCHSTONE file contains a fixed reference impedance. During the export process the S-parameters will be automatically normed to the impedance specified by this method.


FrequencyRange ( enum type )

Sets the Frequency range to "Full" or "Limited".


type can have one of  the following values:


Full frequency range export


Limited frequency range export. This requires Fmin and Fmax to be set.


Fmin ( double fmin )

Sets the minimum for the frequency range. This is required if you want to export a limited frequency range.


Fmax ( double fmax )

Sets the maximum for the frequency range. This is required if you want to export a limited frequency range.


Renormalize ( bool switch )

This method offers the possibility to disable the automatic normalization to the reference impedance. The export data is automatically renormed to the specified reference impedance (switch = True), or is written as it is without renorming (switch = False).


UseARResults ( bool switch )

Use this method to export the S-parameter results provided by the AR-Filter analysis (switch = True).


SetNSamples ( int samples )

Sets the maximum number of samples stored in the touchstone file.



Performs the export.

Default Settings

FileName ("")

Impedance (50)

FrequencyRange ("Full")

Renormalize (True)

UseARResults (False)

SetNSamples (0)




    .FileName (".\example")

    .Impedance (50)

    .FrequencyRange ("Full")

    .Renormalize (True)

    .UseARResults (False)

    .SetNSamples (100)


End With