LumpedElement Object

Lumped elements can be used to include electronic components such as resistors, inductances, capacitances and diodes into the simulation.



Resets all internal values to their default settings.



Creates a new element. All necessary settings for this element have to be made previously.



Modifies an existing element. Only none geometrical settings which were made previously are changed.


SetType ( enum key )

Sets the type of the discrete element.

enum key



The discrete element is made out of a parallel circuit of a resistance, an inductance and a capacitance. (default)


The discrete element is made out of a parallel circuit of a resistance, an inductance and a capacitance.


The discrete element is a diode.


SetName ( name name )

Sets the name of the lumped element.


Folder ( name foldername )

Sets the name of the folder for the new lumped element. If the name is empty, then the lumped element does not belong to a folder.


SetR / SetL / SetC ( double dValue )

Defines the value of resistance / inductance / capacitance of the lumped element.


SetGs / SetIO / SetT ( double dValue )

Sets the blocking conductivity / reverse current / the temperature in Kelvin for the diode. These methods have only an effect if the .SetType method is set to ”diode”.


SetP1 / SetP2 ( bool picked, double x, double y, double z )

Define the starting / end point of the discrete element. If picked is True, two previously picked points will be used for the coordinates of the start / end point. Otherwise the point will be defined by x / y / z.


GetCoordinates ( name name, double x0, double y0, double z0, double x1, double y1, double z1  )

Queries the start and end point coordinates of a discrete element specified by name.


SetInvert ( bool switch )

Set switch to True to reverse the orientation of the lumped element. This might be important, if the lumped element is a diode.


SetMonitor ( bool switch )

If switch is True, current and voltage between start and end point of the lumped element will be monitored.


SetRadius ( double value )

Specifies a radius for the lumped element.


UseProjection ( bool flag )

When this flag is activated then one edge is projected onto the other edge and the face lumped element is created in between the edge and its projection.


ReverseProjection ( bool flag )

When this flag is activated then the second picked edge will be projected onto the first picked edge. This flag is only considered when UseProjection is active.


Wire ( string  wirename )

Defines the name of the wire, on which the lumped element is attached to.


Position ( string  name )

Defines the end of the wire, on which the lumped element is attached to. Possible values are 'end1' or 'end2'.


Rename ( name sOldName, name sNewName )

Changes the name of an existing object.


Delete ( name name )

Deletes an existing object.


NewFolder ( name foldername )

Creates a new folder with the given name.


DeleteFolder ( name foldername )

Deletes an existing folder and all the containing elements.


RenameFolder ( name oldFoldername, name newFoldername )

Changes the name of an existing folder.


SetType ("rlcparallel")

SetR (0)

SetL (0)

SetC (0)

SetGs (0)

SetT (0)

SetP1 (False, 0, 0, 0)

SetP2 (False, 0, 0, 0)

SetInvert (False)

SetMonitor (False)

SetRadius (0.0)