ResultDatabase Object

This object offers access to 0D results, which have been previously created by a simulation run or postprocessing step.

The ResultDatabase Object is used by certain solvers to store important results as accuracy, solver time, energies, forces etc.

With the help of the following inquiry methods these results can be extracted from the database.


GetDoubleEntry ( string key ) double

Returns the double value of a result database entry specified by it's key value.


GetIntegerEntry ( string key ) int

Returns the integer value of a result database entry specified by it's key value.


GetStringEntry ( string key ) string

Returns the string value of a result database entry specified by it's key value.


GetNumberOfDoubleEntries int

Returns the total number of double entries in the result database.


GetDoubleKeyFromIndex ( int index ) string

Returns the key-string  of a double result entry specified by it's integer index. The index value must be greater or equal zero and smaller than the total number of double result entries (can  be obtained by GetNumberOfDoubleEntries).


GetNumberOfDoubleEntriesForDir ( string dirname ) int

Returns the total number of double entries within a subfolder in the result database.


GetDoubleEntryForDir ( string subkey, string dirname ) double

Returns the double value of a result database entry specified by it's directory name and the remaining subkey value. When combined, directory name and subkey form the reference key together.


GetDoubleKeyFromIndexForDir ( int index, string dirname ) string

Returns the subkey-string  of a double result entry specified by it's integer index. The index value must be greater or equal zero and smaller than the total number of double result entries (can  be obtained by GetNumberOfDoubleEntriesForDir).



The keys for the available entries, stored in the database are:


key (string)

Description of return value

Supported by


Volume of the specified solid.

All available solvers