IGES Object

Offers the import of IGES files written by many of today’s CAD systems. Because  the ACIS kernel uses the SAT data format, IGES data need to be converted to ACIS data and checked for consistency (so-called healing).



Resets the import options to the default.


FileName ( filename filename )

Sets the name of the imported file.


Id ( int id )

A CAD file may be imported more than once into the same project with different settings of import options. In order to improve the performance of structure rebuilds, an intermediate sat file is stored during the import process which allows to quickly re-read the data during rebuilds in case that the original CAD file has not been modified. The naming convention of the intermediate sat file has to be unique for each individual import step. Therefore, in case that the same file is imported more than once or a file with the same name is imported into the project, the Id setting needs to be increased. The Id will then be incorporated into the file name which ensures unique file names for every import.


Name ( name name )

Sets a name.


Layer ( name layername )

Sets the layer for the new solid. The component and the material are chosen according to the specified layer.


Healing ( bool switch )

If set to True vertices or edges which are not aligned are healed during the import.


ScaleToUnit ( bool switch )

If set to True the imported model is scaled to the currently active unit. If not activated the import feature uses the source units. In such a case, no scaling occurs.


ImportToActiveCoordinateSystem ( bool switch )

Import the CAD data relative to the active coordinate system.


IncludeTopologyInformation ( bool switch )

This option controls whether ACIS body entities are written out as Manifold Solid B-rep Objects (MSBOs) that contain topology (connectivity) information.


ExportAsNurbsOnly ( bool switch )

Export Nurbs faces instead of analytical faces.


Use2dParametricCurves ( bool switch )

This option specifies the trimming curves preference in the output IGES file. Some systems prefer 2D parametric curves for the trimming curves. Using this option ensures that the 2D parametric curves are written out and the trimming curve preference is set to 2D data. In such a case, IGES converts all the surfaces to NURBS and outputs them as IGES NURBS surfaces.


Curves ( bool  switch )

Identifies if curves should be imported as curves or as solids.



Starts the actual import of the file.



Performs the export.



Exports all data.

Default Settings

FileName ("")

Name ("")

Layer ("default")

ImportToActiveCoordinateSystem (False)

IncludeTopologyInformation (False)

ExportAsNurbsOnly (False)

Use2dParametricCurves (False)

Healing (True)

ImportCurves (True)




    .FileName (".\example.igs")

    .Name ("test")

    .Layer ("default")

    .Healing (True)

    .ImportToActiveCoordinateSystem (False)

    .IncludeTopologyInformation (False)

    .ExportAsNurbsOnly (False)

    .Use2dParametricCurves (False)

    .ImportCurves (True)


End With