ThermalTDSolver Object

This object is used to define the Thermal transient solver settings.


int Start

Starts the Thermal transient solver. Returns 0 if the solver run was successful, an error code >0 otherwise.



Resets all internal settings to their default values.


BackgroundTemperature ( double value )

Specifies the temperature value of the background.


StoreResultsInCache ( bool flag )

If the flag is set to True this method stores results of the thermal solver in the result cache.


UseDistributedComputing(bool useDC)

Enables or disables distributed computing.


Method (enum solvermethod)

Specifies the method used by the Thermal transient solver for discretization and solution.

Currently, only "Hexahedral Mesh" is available.


StartSolutionAccuracy (double  accuracy)

Specifies the accuracy of the start solution at t=0.


TransientSolverAccuracy (double  accuracy)

Specifies the accuracy of the transient solver process.


NonlinearSolverAccuracy (double value)

Specifies the desired accuracy value for nonlinear iteration cycles, used e.g. for radiation effects.


SimulationDuration (double  duration)

Specifies the duration of the simulation.



Deletes all excitation setting for the transient solver.


MaxNumberOfThreads (int nThreads)

If the solver is to use less than all available threads (cf. UseMaxNumberOfThreads), the desired number can be specified here. The default value ”r;8” reflects the possibility of the modern processors architecture.


PTCDefault (enum ptctype)

Specifies how ptc domains without source definition and thermal boundary behave:

ptctype (enum )



treat all PTC domains as floating temperatures


treat all PTC domains with the fixed background temperature


Excitation (name sourcename, enum sourcetype, double timeshift, name signalname, bool active)

Adds a new transient source to the simulation process. This command allows to assign a time signal to a previously defined thermal source.


TimeStepScheme (enum scheme)

Two schemes are currently available:


Determines all necessary parameters for the time integration process automatically.


Allows to define the most important parameters of the adaptive time integration scheme by the user.


TimeStepInit (double value)

Specifies the constant step width to be used during the entire simulation process. This setting will be ignored when time adaption is enabled.


TimeStepMin (double  tmin)

Specifies lower bounds for the adaptive time step width. This setting is useful to prevent the time step width from becoming arbitrarily small. It will only be considered when time adaption scheme "AdaptiveUser" is enabled.


TimeStepMax (double  tmax)

Specifies upper bounds for the adaptive time step width. This setting is useful to prevent the time step width from becoming inappropriately large. It will only be considered when time adaption scheme "AdaptiveUser" is enabled.


TimeStepSamples (int nsamples)

Defines the total number of time steps to be performed.It will only be considered when time adaption scheme "AdaptiveUser" is enabled.

Default Values

Method "Hexahedral Mesh"

StartSolutionAccuracy "1e-6"

TransientSolverAccuracy "1e-4"

BackgroundTemperature "273.1"

SimulationDuration "0"

TimeStepScheme "Automatic"

TimeStepSamples "100"

TimeStepInit "1e-3"

TimeStepMin "1e-6"

TimeStepMax "1e-1"

TimeStepSamples "100000"

UseDistributedComputing "False"


With ThermalTDSolver


     .Method "Hexahedral Mesh"

     .StartSolutionAccuracy "1e-6"

     .TransientSolverAccuracy "1e-6"

     .StoreResultsInCache "False"

     .SimulationDuration "10"

     .BackgroundTemperature "20"

     .TimeStepScheme "AdaptiveUser"

     .TimeStepInit "1e-3"

     .TimeStepMin "1e-6"

     .TimeStepMax "1e-1"

     .TimeStepSamples "100000"


     .Excitation "thermal loss distribution", "thermallossdistr", "0.0", "constant", "True"

     .UseDistributedComputing "False"

End With