ThermalSurfaceProperty Object

This object offers the possibility to create a thermal surface with its radiation and convection properties. A thermal surface can consist of several different shape faces and is used by the Thermal Solver.



Resets all internal settings of the thermal surface to its default values.


Name ( string name )

Specifies the name of the thermal surface.


AddFace  ( solidname solidname, int faceid )

The thermal surface can consists of several different faces. This method adds a face (indicated by its faceid) of a certain solid (indicated by its solidname) to the face list for the thermal surface.


Emissivity ( double expression value )

Specifies the emissivity value for the radiation of the thermal surface.


HeatTransferCoefficient  ( double expression value )

Specifies the heat transfer coefficient value for the convection of the thermal surface.


ReferenceTemperatureType (enum type)

Specifies if the reference temperature is identical to the background temperature or if it is defined by a value.

type (enum )



uses the background temperature (defined in the solver settings) as


allows to define a reference temperature value with the command ReferenceTemperatureValue


ReferenceTemperatureValue ( double expression value )

Specifies the reference temperature value for the convection and/or the emission of the thermal surface.


UsePickedFaces (bool  usePickedFaces)

Defines if faces which were picked before the tool activation are used for the definition instead of faces selected by the AddFace command.



Creates the thermal surface with its previously made settings.


Delete ( string name )

Deletes the thermal surface with the given name.


Rename  ( string oldname,  string newname  )

Renames the thermal surface with the given oldname to the defined newname.


Default Settings

AddFace ("", 0)

Emissivity (0.0)

HeatTransferCoefficient (0.0)


With ThermalSurfaceProperty


     .Name "surfaceprops1"

     .AddFace "component1:solid1", "5"

     .Emissivity "0.1"

     .HeatTransferCoefficient "2"  


End With