ResultMap Object ( String sTreePath )

The object is used to select or browse result file map items.


If <sTreePath> is empty, then the current tree selection is loaded.



Resets all internal settings to their initial values.


Load ( name sResultFileMapFile )

Load the result map data.


IsValid ( ) BOOL

Checks if a valid result map data is loaded.


GetContentDescription (  ) String

Returns a description of the result map type.



Result map is not valid.


Port mode (hexahedral mesh)


Port mode (tetrahedral mesh)


3D vector field monitor (hexahedral mesh)


3D vector field monitor (tetrahedral mesh)


Scalar field monitor  (hexahedral mesh)


Scalar field monitor (tetrahedral mesh)


Surface vector field  (hexahedral mesh)


Surface vector field  (tetrahedral mesh)


Surface vector field  (surface mesh)


Scalar surface field  (hexahedral mesh)


Scalar surface field  (tetrahedral mesh)


Scalar surface field  (surface mesh)


S-Parameter result (linear scaling)


S-Parameter result (log. scale)


S-Parameter result (phase)


Residual result


GetItemCount ( ) Integer

Returns the number of available result items.


GetItemFilename (Integer id) String

Returns the filename of item at position 'id'.


GetItemParameters (Integer id)  String

Returns the parameter name of item at position 'id'.



Resets the search for the matching results.


AddSearchParameter ( String sParam, String sValue, String sTolerance )

Define the search for the result according to a specific value of the result map parameter within a given tolerance.


FindItem ( ) Integer

Returns the number of the matching items.


SelectItem (Integer  iItem)

Selected a result item specified by the integer id given. Use FindItem to obtain the id.


Dim count As Long

Dim i As Integer


With ResultMap("")

If .IsValid Then


' Write filenames and parameters to the debug output window

count = .GetItemCount()


For i = 1 To count

Debug.Print .GetItemFilename(i)

Debug.Print .GetItemParameters(i)

Next i


' Search for an item at 9 GHz


.AddSearchParameter "Frequency", 9e9, 1

i = .FindItem


If 0 < i Then

.SelectItem i

MsgBox "Result item was found at 9 GHz."


MsgBox "No result item was found at 9 GHz."

End If


MsgBox "Result map is invalid, or none has been selected."

End If

End With