Result3D Object

This object offers access and manipulation functions to 3D results. Therefore it may contain either vector fields or scalar fields. If a scalar field is represented by this object, its values are treated to be x-components of a vector field, while all other components are not available. Therefore all functions that manipulate the x-components manipulate the components of the scalar field.

Initialization, File Operation


A Result3D object must be constructed with a string as argument. The string may either be empty or the name of a result file. If the string is empty, an empty object will be created.

If the string contains a valid result file name, the object will read the values into its memory and represent this data. The behaviour will be the same as if an empty object is created and afterwards filled by the Load command.


Load ( name sObjectName )

Only used for VBA scripts running in an external program. Loads a 3D result from a file with a file path contructed from sObjectName.


Resulting file path


"object_name.m3d"  in the current working folder


"projectName^ObjectName.m3d"  in the current working folder


"object_name.m3d"  in the folder specified by "path". The "^" does not expand the file name.

 For tetrahedral mesh, the ending ".m3t" has to be used, for surface mesh ".sct".


Save ( name sObjectName )

Saves the object with the given filename. Note, that like in the Load method, the project name is added if the first character is a '^'. If the filename is blank the data is saved with name of the previous loaded file.


Initialize ( long nx, long ny, long nz, enum{"vector", "scalar"} type )

Initializes an empty Result3D object of the given type with the specified dimensions.


InitSCT ( long numberOfFirstSideTriangles, long nSamplesPerTriangle, long nComponents, enum numberOfSecondSideTriangles )

Initializes the object as zero valued SCT surface vector result data, i.e. nComponents=6 for complex vector.


AddToTree ( name sTreePath, name sLabel )

Inserts the Result3D object into the tree at the folder specified by sTreePath with a item name given by sLabel.

Mesh Usage


Initializes the object as an empty tetrahedral/surface mesh.


GetMeshInfo ( long nNodes, long nEdges, long nTriangles, long nTetrahedra )

Yields numbers of nodes, edges, triangles and tetrahedra of the mesh.


GetNode ( long index, double x, double y, double z, long ID )

GetEdge ( long index, long Node0, long Node1, long ID )

GetTriangle ( long index, long Node0, long Node1, long Node2, long ID )

GetTetrahedron ( long index, long Node0, long Node1, long Node2, long Node3, long ID )

AddNode ( double x, double y, double z, long ID )

AddEdge ( long Node0, long Node1, long ID )

AddTriangle ( long Node0, long Node1, long Node2, long ID )

AddTetrahedron ( long Node0, long Node1, long Node2, long Node3, long ID )

Read existing mesh entities with a given index or append entities to the mesh.

Global Field Operators

CopyFrom ( Result3D Object oSecondObject )

Copies the contents from the given second object to the Result3D object. An uninitialized Result3D object will be initialized using the settings of the second object.


ScalarMult ( double dFactor )

Scales the Result3D Object with the given factor.


ScalarMult3 ( double dFactorX, double dFactorY, double dFactorZ )

Scales the x/y/z components of the Result3D Object individually. This function is only valid for vector field Result Objects.


Add Subtract ( Result3D Object oObject )

Adds / subtracts the components in oObject  to / from the calling object's components. The result will be stored in the calling object.


Combine ( Result3D Object oObject2, double dFactor2, long iComponent1, long iComponent2)

Performs a component wise operation between two Result3D objects: oCallingObject[iComponent1] += dFactor2 * oObject2[iComponent2]. The component indices iComponent1 and iComponent2 can have values from 0 to 5 for Xre=0, Yre=1, Zre=2, ..., Zim=5. The result will be stored in the calling object.


DotProduct ( Result3D Object oObject, double dRe, double dIm )

Performs a inner product between field vectors of two Result3D objects for each point. The result will be stored in the x component of the calling object, y and z will be set to zero. The spatial sum over all points of the result can be obtained in dRe and dIm.


VectorProd ( Result3D Object oObject )

Performs a vector product of two Result3D objects. The result will be stored in the calling object.



Calculates the complex conjugates of calling object.

Local Set/Get Methods

Local Set/Get methods use a zero-based index to reference data in the Result3D Object. For regular hexahedral mesh the index is given by

index = ix + iy*nx + iz*nx*ny < .GetLength = nx*ny*nz,

where ix, iy, iz are the zero based indices for the mesh nodes in one coordinate direction and nx, ny, nz are the numbers of meshnodes in the corresponding coordinate directions.

For tetrahedral mesh the index is based on the tetrahedron index combined with the number of samples per tetrahedron. A relation to coordinates is not given.


SetXRe / SetYRe / SetZRe / SetXIm / SetYIm / SetZIm ( long index, double dValue )

Changes the real/imaginary part of the x/y/z-component at the index in the Result3D Object to dValue. For scalar Result3D objects, only the SetXRe method may be used.


GetXRe, GetYRe, GetZRe, GetXIm, GetYIm, GetZIm ( long index ) double

Returns the real/imaginary part of the x/y/z-component in the Result3D Object that corresponds to the given index. For scalar Result3D objects, only the SetXRe method may be used.


GetDataFromIndex ( long index, double_ref xre, double_ref yre, double_ref zre, double_ref xim, double_ref yim, double_ref zim )

Yields real and imaginary parts of all vector components for the given index.

General Settings

SetType ( enum type )

GetType enum

Sets / returns the field type contained in the Result3D Object.

enum  type

Object contains...

"dynamic e-field"

electric vector field from a dynamic simulation.

"dynamic d-field"

electric flux density vector field from a dynamic simulation.

"dynamic h-field"

magnetic vector field from a dynamic simulation.

"dynamic b-field"

magnetic flux density vector field from a dynamic simulation.

"dynamic powerflow"

vector field of the calculated poynting vectors.

"dynamic Current"

vector field of the current density from a dynamic simulation.

"dynamic e-energy"

scalar field of the electric energy density.

"dynamic h-energy"

scalar field of the magnetic energy density.

"dynamic loss density"

scalar field of the loss density, caused by a conductivity.

"space charge"

scalar field of the space charge density from a  PIC simulation


scalar field of the temperature distribution from a thermal simulation

"heat flow density"

vector field of the heat flow density from a thermal simulation

"mechanical displacement"

vector field of the displacement from a mechanical simulation

"mechanical stress"

scalar field of a component from the stress tensor from a mechanical simulation

"von mises stress"

scalar field of the von mises stress from a mechanical simulation

"hydrostatic stress"

scalar field of the hydrostatic stress from a mechanical simulation

"mechanical strain"

scalar field of a component from the strain tensor from a mechanical simulation

"volumetric strain"

scalar field of the volumetric strain from a mechanical simulation

"temperature change"

scalar field of the interpolated temperature change from a mechanical simulation


SetActive ( bool flag )

GetActive bool

Sets / determines, if the object contains valid data. GetActive may return "false" if, for instance, the monitor was outside the frequency range, when performing a dynamic simulation.


SetFrequency ( double dValue )

GetFrequency double

Sets / returns the frequency for which the values in the Result3D object are valid.


SetAccuracy ( double dValue )

GetAccuracy double

Sets / returns the accuracy of the values in the Result3D object.


GetNx / GetNy / GetNz long

Returns the number of mesh nodes in x/y/z-direction. Returns zero for tetrahedral meshes.


GetNxNyNz ( long_ref nx, long_ref ny, long_ref nz )

Yields the number of mesh nodes in all three coordinate directions. Yields zero for tetrahedral meshes.


GetLength long

Returns the dimension of the Result3D Object. This value is equal to nx*ny*nz for regular hexahedral meshes and equal to nTets*nSamplesPerTet for tetrahedral meshes.


IsScalar bool

Determines, if the object contains only scalar values.


IsComplex bool

Determines, if the object contains complex values.


The following VBA-Script adds a result vector with its complex conjugate, stores it to file with a separate filename and adds the result to the navigation tree.


dim res1 as object          'Create an object with the project

set res1 = Result3D("^e1")  'result file "projectName^e1.m3d"


dim res2 as object          'Create an empty object

set res2 = Result3D("")


res2.CopyFrom(res1)         'Copy the data of res1 into res2

res1.Conjugate              'Calculate the complex conjugate

res1.Add res2               'Add both results


res1.Save "^MyResult"       'Save the result in a file named "projectName^MyResult.m3d"


'Store the result into the tree

res1.AddToTree "2D/3D Results\MyFolder", "MyResult"

Example for Tetrahedral Mesh

As above, but for tetrahedral mesh, the following VBA-Script adds a result vector with its complex conjugate, stores it to file with a separate filename and adds the result to the navigation tree.


dim res1 as object          'Create an object with the project

set res1 = Result3D("^e-field (#0001)_1(1).m3t")  'result file "projectName^e1.m3t"


dim res2 as object          'Create an empty object

set res2 = Result3D("")


res2.CopyFrom(res1)         'Copy the data of res1 into res2

res1.Conjugate              'Calculate the complex conjugate

res1.Add res2               'Add both results


res1.Save "^MyResult.m3t"       'Save the result in a file named "projectName^MyResult.m3t"


'Store the result into the tree

res1.AddToTree "2D/3D Results\MyFolder", "MyResult.m3t"