Create an LC Circuit

The following script creates the circuit shown in the image below:

'Creates an LC circuit with 4 inductors and 4 capacitors

Sub Main

Dim blockName As String, blockType As String

Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, angle As Integer


For I=1 To 8

'I is odd: Inductor

'I is even: Capacitor rotated by 90°

If I Mod 2 Then

blockName = "Inductor" + CStr((I+1)/2)

blockType = "CircuitBasic\Inductor"

x = 54525+(I-1)/2*250

y = 55000

angle = 0


blockName = "Capacitor" + CStr(I/2)

blockType = "CircuitBasic\Capacitor"

x = x+100

y = 5150

angle = 90

End If


With Block


.Type blockType

.Name blockName

.Position (x,y)


If angle Then .Rotate (angle)

End With


'Connection lines

With Link

If I Mod 2 Then

If I>2 Then

'Connection of two inductors


.SetSourcePortFromBlockPort (blockName, "1", False)

.SetTargetPortFromBlockPort ("Inductor" + CStr((I-1)/2), "2", False)


End If

'Setting source port for connection of inductor and capacitor


.SetSourcePortFromBlockPort (blockName, "2", False)


'Establishing connection of inductor and capacitor

.SetTargetPortFromBlockPort (blockName, "1", False)


End If

End With

Next I

End Sub