Add a Result


'Reads an example from the current result set and adds the magnitude to the user-defined result set

Sub AddVoltageMagnitudeItem(taskname As String, probename As String)


Dim sourcefilebase As String

sourcefilebase = "Tasks\"+taskname+"\Components\"+probename+"\Data\"+probename+"\"


Dim tasktype As String

Dim dataname As String

Dim sXunit As String

Dim dXscale As double


With SimulationTask



tasktype = SimulationTask.GetTypeForTask(taskname)

sXunit = .GetUnit("Frequency")

dXscale = .GetUnitScale("Frequency")

If tasktype="AC" Then

dataname = "AC Voltage"

ElseIf tasktype="Spectral Lines" Then

dataname = "Voltage Spectral Lines"

End If

End With


Dim r1D As Object

Set r1D = Result1D(sourcefilebase+"a"+dataname)


With r1D

.Type ("Magnitude")

.Xlabel ("Frequency")

.Xunit (sXunit)

.Xscale (dXscale)

End With


r1D.AddToTree "Design\Results\"+probename+"\Mag("+dataname+") ["+taskname+"]"

End Sub