Units Object
Offers functions concerning the units of the current project.
Geometry ( enum gUnit )
Sets the unit of lengths.
gUnit may have the following settings:
"m" |
Meter |
"cm" |
Centimeter |
"mm" |
Millimeter |
"um" |
Micrometer |
"ft" |
Feet |
"in" |
Inch |
"mil" |
A Thousandth Inch |
GetGeometryUnit enum gUnit
Returns the unit of length of the current project.
GetGeometryUnitToSI double
Returns the factor to convert a geometry value measured in units of the current project into the units.
-> a(SI Unit) = factor * b(project Unit)
GetGeometrySIToUnit double
Returns the factor to convert a geometry value in SI units into the units defined in the current project.
-> a(project Unit) = factor * b(SI Unit)
Time ( enum tUnit )
Sets the unit of time.
tUnit may have the following settings:
"fs" |
Femtosecond |
10 -15s |
"ps" |
Picosecond |
10 -12s |
"ns" |
Nanosecond |
10 –9 s |
"us" |
Microsecond |
10 -6 s |
"ms" |
Millisecond |
10 -3 s |
"s" |
Second |
1 s |
GetTimeUnit enum tUnit
Returns the unit of time of the current project.
GetTimeUnitToSI double
Returns the factor to convert a time value measured in units of the current project into SI units.
-> a(SI Unit) = factor * b(project Unit)
GetTimeSIToUnit double
Returns the factor to convert a time value in SI units into the units defined in the current project.
-> a(project Unit) = factor * b(SI Unit)
Frequency ( enum fUnit )
Sets the unit of frequency.
fUnit may have the following settings:
"Hz" |
Hertz |
1 Hz |
"kHz" |
Kilohertz |
10 3 Hz |
"MHz" |
Megahertz |
10 6 Hz |
"GHz" |
Gigahertz |
10 9 Hz |
"THz" |
Terahertz |
10 12 Hz |
"PHz" |
Petahertz |
10 15 Hz |
GetFrequencyUnit enum fUnit
Returns the unit of frequency of the current project.
GetFrequencyUnitToSI double
Returns the factor to convert a frequency value measured in units of the current project into SI units.
-> a(SI Unit) = factor * b(project Unit)
GetFrequencySIToUnit double
Returns the factor to convert a frequency value in SI units into the units defined in the current project.
-> a(project Unit) = factor * b(SI Unit)
Voltage ( enum gUnit )
Sets the unit of lengths.
gUnit may have the following settings:
"MegaV" |
Megavolt |
"KiloV" |
Kilovolt |
"V" |
Volt |
"MilliV" |
Millivolt |
"MicroV" |
Microvolt |
"NanoV" |
Nanovolt |
GetVoltageUnit enum gUnit
Returns the unit of voltage of the current project.
GetVoltageUnitToSI double
Returns the factor to convert a voltage value measured in units of the current project into the units.
-> a(SI Unit) = factor * b(project Unit)
GetVoltageSIToUnit double
Returns the factor to convert a voltage value in SI units into the units defined in the current project.
-> a(project Unit) = factor * b(SI Unit)
Current ( enum gUnit )
Sets the unit of currents.
gUnit may have the following settings:
"MegaA" |
Megaampere |
"KiloA" |
Kiloampere |
"A" |
Ampere |
"MilliA" |
Milliampere |
"MicroA" |
Microampere |
"NanoA" |
Nanoampere |
GetCurrentUnit enum gUnit
Returns the unit of current of the current project.
GetCurrentUnitToSI double
Returns the factor to convert a current value measured in units of the current project into the units.
-> a(SI Unit) = factor * b(project Unit)
GetCurrentSIToUnit double
Returns the factor to convert a current value in SI units into the units defined in the current project.
-> a(project Unit) = factor * b(SI Unit)
Resistance ( enum gUnit )
Sets the unit of resistances.
gUnit may have the following settings:
"MicroOhm" |
Microohm |
"MilliOhm" |
Milliohm |
"Ohm" |
Ohm |
"KiloOhm" |
Kiloohm |
"MegaOhm" |
Megaohm |
"GOhm" |
Gigaohm |
GetResistanceUnit enum gUnit
Returns the unit of resistance of the current project.
GetResistanceUnitToSI double
Returns the factor to convert a resistance value measured in units of the current project into the units.
-> a(SI Unit) = factor * b(project Unit)
GetResistanceSIToUnit double
Returns the factor to convert a resistance value in SI units into the units defined in the current project.
-> a(project Unit) = factor * b(SI Unit)
Conductance ( enum gUnit )
Sets the unit of conductances.
gUnit may have the following settings:
"Siemens" |
Siemens |
"MilliS" |
Millisiemens |
"MicroS" |
Microsiemens |
"NanoS" |
Nanosiemens |
GetConductanceUnit enum gUnit
Returns the unit of conductance of the current project.
GetConductanceUnitToSI double
Returns the factor to convert a conductance value measured in units of the current project into the units.
-> a(SI Unit) = factor * b(project Unit)
GetConductanceSIToUnit double
Returns the factor to convert a conductance value in SI units into the units defined in the current project.
-> a(project Unit) = factor * b(SI Unit)
Capacitance ( enum gUnit )
Sets the unit of capacitances.
gUnit may have the following settings:
"F" |
Farad |
"MilliF" |
Millifarad |
"MicroF" |
Microfarad |
"NanoF" |
Nanofarad |
"PikoF" |
Picofarad |
"FemtoF" |
Femtofarad |
GetCapacitanceUnit enum gUnit
Returns the unit of capacitance of the current project.
GetCapacitanceUnitToSI double
Returns the factor to convert a capacitance value measured in units of the current project into the units.
-> a(SI Unit) = factor * b(project Unit)
GetCapacitanceSIToUnit double
Returns the factor to convert a capacitance value in SI units into the units defined in the current project.
-> a(project Unit) = factor * b(SI Unit)
Inductance ( enum gUnit )
Sets the unit of inductances.
gUnit may have the following settings:
"H" |
Henry |
"MilliH" |
Millihenry |
"MicroH" |
Microhenry |
"NanoH" |
Nanohenry |
"PicoH" |
Picohenry |
GetInductanceUnit enum gUnit
Returns the unit of inductance of the current project.
GetInductanceUnitToSI double
Returns the factor to convert a inductance value measured in units of the current project into the units.
-> a(SI Unit) = factor * b(project Unit)
GetInductanceSIToUnit double
Returns the factor to convert a inductance value in SI units into the units defined in the current project.
-> a(project Unit) = factor * b(SI Unit)
TemperatureUnit( enum gUnit )
Sets the unit of temperatures.
gUnit may have the following settings:
"Celsius" |
dito |
"Kelvin" |
dito |
"Fahrenheit" |
dito |
GetTemperatureUnit enum gUnit
Returns the unit of temperature of the current project.
GetTemperatureUnitToSI double
Returns the factor to convert a temperature value measured in units of the current project into the units.
-> a(SI Unit) = factor * b(project Unit)
GetTemperatureSIToUnit double
Returns the factor to convert a temperature value in SI units into the units defined in the current project.
-> a(project Unit) = factor * b(SI Unit)
With Units
.Geometry ("mm")
.Frequency ("GHz")
.Time ("s")
.Voltage ("MilliV")
.Current ("MicroA")
.Resistance ("KiloOhm")
.Conductance ("MilliS")
.Capacitance ("PikoF")
.Inductance ("NanoH")
.TemperatureUnit ("Celsius")
End With