Initialization, File Operation
A Table object can be created as follows:
dim objName as object
set objName = Table("")
From an external progam:
' create a CSTStudio Application
Dim app As Object
Set app = CreateObject("CSTStudio.Application")
' open a Design Studio example
Dim designstudio As Object
Set designstudio = app.OpenFile("C:\Program Files (x86)\CST STUDIO SUITE 2011\Examples\DS\S-Parameter\Circuit-EM\Matched Antenna\antenna.cst")
If designstudio.GetApplicationName <> "DS" Then MsgBox ("Example is not a Design Studio example.")
' load a table located in the project folder of the example
Dim myTable As Object
Set myTable = designstudio.Table(designstudio.GetProjectPath("Project") + "\Result\DS\Generic\1D\magdB(S1,1).tab")
MsgBox ("Table has " + CStr(myTable.GetNumberOfDataItems) + " curves.")
While ”” is the name of the result table which should be loaded into the Table object.
Load ( filename sTableFileName)
Loads a result table file named sTableFileName into the current Table object.
Save ( filename sTableFileName)
Saves the current Table object with the given filename sTableFileName. If the specified file name is an empty string, the table data will be stored under the same file name as it has been specified when loading the table data.
ExportData ( filename name )
Exports the contents of the currently loaded table into an ASCII text file specified by its name. The results of all parameter combinations will be exported.
GetName string
This method returns the name which has been assigned with the current table.
GetType string
This method returns a string containing the type of the current table, e.g. "xysignal".
GetSubtype string
This method returns a string containing the sub-type of the current table, e.g. "linear".
GetNumberOfParameters long
This method returns the number of parameters which are associated with the data of the current table object.
GetParameterNameFromIndex ( long index ) string
This method returns the name of a parameter by specifying its index. The index must be within the range of 0 to GetNumberOfParameters - 1.
GetParameterValueFromIndex ( long index ) double
This method returns the current value of a parameter by specifying its index. The index must be within the range of 0 to GetNumberOfParameters - 1. This value will be used when the table properties dialog box is opened.
GetVaryingParameter long
Returns the index of the currently varying parameter. This setting will be used as initial choice when the table properties dialog box is opened.
SetVaryingParameter ( long index )
This methods sets the currently varying parameter. The index must be within the range of 0 to GetNumberOfParameters - 1. This setting will be used as initial choice when the table properties dialog box is opened.
GetNumberOfDataItems long
This method returns the total number of data items contained in the table.
GetTypeOfDataItem ( long index ) string
This method returns a string containing the type of the data item specified by its index. The index must be within the range of 0 to GetNumberOfDataItems - 1. The type can be any one of the following strings:
"0d real" |
The data item represents a single real value. |
"0d complex" |
The data item represents a single complex value. |
"1d" |
The data item represents an entire xy curve. |
GetParameterValueOfDataItem ( long dataindex, long parameterindex ) double
This method returns the value of a parameter corresponding to the data item specified by its index (dataindex). The parameter itself is speicifed by its index, too (parameterindex). The dataindex must be within the range of 0 to GetNumberOfDataItems - 1 and the parameterindex must be within the range of 0 to GetNumberOfParameters - 1.
Get0DDataItem ( long index ) double
This method is only available when the type of the data item is "0d real". The return value is the actual real value of the data item specified by its index. The index must be within the range of 0 to GetNumberOfDataItems - 1.
Get0DDataItemRe ( long index ) double
This method is only available when the type of the data item is "0d complex". The return value is the real part of the actual complex value of the data item specified by its index. The index must be within the range of 0 to GetNumberOfDataItems - 1.
Get0DDataItemIm ( long index ) double
This method is only available when the type of the data item is "0d complex". The return value is the imaginary part of the actual complex value of the data item specified by its index. The index must be within the range of 0 to GetNumberOfDataItems - 1.
Get1DDataItem ( long index ) Result1D
This method is only available when the type of the data item is "1d". The return value is a Result1D object containing the xy data curve of the data item specified by its index. The index must be within the range of 0 to GetNumberOfDataItems - 1.