NetworkParameterExtraction Object

Determine an equivalent SPICE circuit which has the same behaviour at the ports as the simulation model.

General Methods


Resets all internal values to their default settings.



Starts the network parameter extraction with the previously made settings.

Methods for Model Order Reduction (MOR) Based Extraction

CircuitFileName ( filename  fileName )

Sets the filename of the resulting SPICE netlist based on model order reduction to fileName.


GetCircuitFileName filename

Returns the filename of the resulting SPICE netlist based on model order reduction.


EnsureOutOfBandPassivity ( bool bFlag )

If bFlag is True passivity for frequency values out of the given band is ensured, otherwise not.


UseARFilterResults ( bool bFlag )

If this method is activated the MOR method uses S-parameter data based on AR-Filter results if available.


Accuracy ( double value )

Specifies the maximum error value for the S-parameter approximation.

Please note: The accuracy can be violated after performing the passivity step which is activated using the EnsureOutOfBandPassivity method.


InitalNumberOfPoles ( int number )

Specifies the initial number of poles considered by the MOR scheme.


DifferentialNetlist(bool bFlag)

Specifies whether the netlist should be written with differential ports


NetlistFormat(enum {"Berkeley SPICE", "HSPICE"} format)

Specifies the output format of the netlist. "Berkeley SPICE" uses standard Berkeley SPICE notation with controlled sources while "HSPICE" uses Laplace formulation of the fitted Y parameter.

Default Settings


' defaults for model order reduction based network parameter extraction

EnsureOutOfBandPassivity (True)

UseARFilterResults (False)

Accuracy ("1e-2")

InitalNumberOfPoles (10)

NetlistFormat ("Berkeley SPICE")

Example for MOR

' start an MOR based network extraction


With NetworkParameterExtraction

.CircuitFileName ("")

.EnsureOutOfBandPassivity (False)

.UseARFilterResults (False)

.Accuracy ("1e-2")

.InitalNumberOfPoles (10)

.DifferentialNetlist (True)

.NetlistFormat ("HSPICE")


End With