CircuitProbe Object


Object referring to a probe. Use this object to create or to manipulate a probe.

General Methods


Resets all internal settings to their default values.


Name ( name probename )

Sets the name of a probe before calling Create. Furthermore, this method can be used to select an existing probe of your model.


SetNodeFromBlockPort ( name blockname, name portname, bool directioninwards, bool referencepin )

Sets the probe's location by the specification of a block's port or its associated reference pin. Furthermore, the probe's direction must be given.



Creates a new probe. All necessary settings for this connection have to be made previously.



Deletes a probe. All necessary settings for this connection have to be made previously.


SetName ( name probename )

Modifies the name of an existing probe.



Changes a probe's direction, i.e. the current is considered with opposite sign.


DoesExist bool

Checks if a probe with the currently selected settings already exists.


StartProbeNameIteration int

Resets the iterator for the probes and returns the number of probes.


GetNextProbeName name

Returns the next probe's name. Call StartProbeNameIteration before the first call of this method.


'Creates a probe


With CircuitProbe


.Name ("P1")

.SetNodeFromBlockPort ("IBIS1", "Ctrl", True, False)


End With