This example demonstrates the usage of the particle interfaces. The pierce gun example was split into an emission section and a drift tube. The results from emission were used by extracting particle data with an particle export interface and importing these data into the drift tube.
This example consists of hollow cylinders forming the magnet-guide, the drift tube, and the guiding cathode. The geometric properties of the coils are created by defining two curves, which are defined with the help of the local coordinate system.
Two solvers were used to perform this tracking-analysis: Firstly the magnetostatic solver calculates the magnetostatic fields which are responsible for the external forces keeping the beam in focus. The magnetic coil is driven by a current of 5 A with 2000 turns. Afterwards the particle tracking is performed. The particles are emitted by a particle interface which connects this example with a simulation of the cathode region. The weighting factor of the magnetic field controls the focus of the trajectories inside the drift-tube.
Beside the trajectories and the magnetic fields, the result tree has two new entries:
- magnetic energy
- particle collision information