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Asymptotic Solver Examples



General Description


This simple example illustrates how the asymptotic solver can be applied to calculate the bistatic RCS of a simple PEC sphere. The calculation uses a single incident plane wave from an angle of

     theta = 90 degrees and

     phi   = 45 degrees.


Solver Setup and Post Processing


The RCS is calculated in a single farfield plane (theta=90 degrees) for a varying phi angle using one degree steps.


The farfield results can be accessed from the Farfield folder in the navigation tree. In addition to the farfields, the scattered rays are also stored for this example and can be visualized by selecting the corresponding result entry in the 2D/3D Results folder in the navigation tree.


Please note that there is also a farfield comparison in the 1D Results folder where the results of the asymptotic solver are compared to the ones obtained by running the integral equation solver. The main differences between the two results are located in the side lobe regions which is due to the current limitation of the asymptotic solver to neglect creeping waves. In general, however, the main lobe results obtained from the asymptotic solver are typically quite accurate (as the monostatic results as well) at a fraction of the simulation times when compared with other more rigorous electromagnetic simulation methods.


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