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Yagi Antenna

Transient Analysis Examples - Antennas




General Description


This example presents the transient calculation of a Yagi antenna, consisting of six elements, one reflector, four directors and one driven element.


Structure Generation


The input of the geometry is done parametrically referred to a wavelength of 10 mm. To obtain a flexible structure, each antenna element has its own parameters and thus is created separately as a very thin cylinder consisting of PEC material. To provide some space for the location of the excitation source a small gap is cut afterwards in the antenna which is used as the driven element. Taking advantage of the given symmetry of the structure corresponding symmetry planes are considered.


Solver Setup


In order to enable a transient calculation one discrete port is defined as the excitation source, feeding the driven element as an electric dipole antenna. Before starting the simulation a broadband farfield monitor is defined.


Post Processing


Besides the automatically calculated scattering parameters the voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) is calculated here after the simulation has finished. It provides information about the impedance mismatch of the antenna over the chosen frequency range.

The previously defined farfield monitor offers now the possibility to investigate the radiation characteristics of the complete structure. Farfield results are listed in the folder Farfields and can be visualized in different ways. Here the directivity in linear scale is shown.

It is possible to change the dimensions and spacings of the elements to study the influence of the antenna geometry on the farfield properties.



HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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