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Two Slots In Plane Antenna

Transient Analysis Examples - Antennas



General Description


This example shows the calculation of farfields and electric fields of a two slot antenna. The antenna consists of a thin metal plane with two slots cut into the plane and is stimulated by a plane wave.


Structure Generation


The antenna is created using basic bricks and cylinders. All these objects are of PEC material. First a thin metal plane is modeled by a brick. The slots are created by using different boolean operations on additional cylinders and bricks as well as by applying transform operations.


Solver Setup


A plane wave is defined on one side of the metal plane to stimulate the antenna. All calculation domain boundary conditions are set to "open".  Magnetic and electric symmetry planes are used to reduce the calculation time.

Time domain and frequency domain based electric field monitors allow the visualization of the electric field. In addition, a probe is defined to record the electric field behind one of the slots. Further on, farfield characteristics of the antenna are recorded with farfield monitors at different frequencies.


Post Processing


The signal recorded with the previously defined probe can be accessed in the 1D Results Probes E-Field subfolder.

The farfield results are listed in subfolders of Farfields in the navigation tree. The electric field distribution can be accessed in subfolders of 2D/3D Results E-Field in the navigation tree. Both time and frequency domain monitors are listed here.

In addition, the electric field of one monitor is recorded along a previously defined curve using the 2D/3D Plot: Evaluate Fields Evaluate Field on Curve option.   

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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