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Spiral Inductor

Transient Analysis Examples - S-Parameter Calculations: Coplanar Devices


Spiral Inductor:

Lossy Spiral Inductor:


General Description


This example is a spiral inductor created with coplanar lines located on a substrate layer.

The structure is parameterized completely. Thus, a structural change can easily be done by changing the parameter values.

The model is calculated in two different ways, applying PEC and lossy metal as conductor material. Compare the results of the two simulations to see the differences of a structure modelled with a lossfree or lossy conductor.


Structure Generation


The structure is created by only using basic bricks. These bricks are frequently created by picking points of already existing bricks or by extruding a planar face of an already existing brick.


Solver Setup


For the excitation of the feed lines two waveguide ports are used.

Some additional background material is added on the top of the structure to be able to neglect the influence of the boundary conditions to the field solution.

In order to view the electromagnetic field distribution after the simulation has finished an electric and magnetic field monitor is used at 10 GHz. In addition, a magnetic energy density monitor is defined.


Post Processing


The scattering parameters and the time signals can be accessed through the 1D Results folder in the navigation tree. The results there can also be selected during the simulation.

The electric and magnetic fields can be accessed in the 2D/3D Results E-Field e-field (f=10)[1] and 2D/3D Results H-Field h-field (f=10)[1] subfolders of the navigation tree. The magnetic energy density can be found in 2D/3D Results Mag. Energy Dens. h-energy (f=10)[1].   

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